Welcome to the Cranfield University Alumni Website.
When you leave Cranfield University, the Alumni Office is the main point of contact with the University and former friends. It provides an opportunity for current students to learn about alumni news, events and opportunities. Membership is free and automatic upon graduation.
All we ask from you is that you keep us informed of your contact details and email address. You can update your details or request information, through this website.
The alumni services offered by Cranfield are extensive and are being improved and updated for 2007. AlumniPod gives access to an exclusive area of the website and a wide range of services and benefits just for you.
Current students can access AlumniPod using a temporary password which the Alumni Team can provide on request.
New for 2007
Alumni eZine
The first electronic alumni newsletter was sent out to alumni at the beginning of April, and is now available online. This replaces the Spring issue of the printed magazine, Password. To request a copy of the eZine please email the Alumni Office. The second six-monthly eZine is due in October and will be available in printed format upon request.
Alumnni eBulletin
Look out for our regular eBulletins; the August issue has just been dispatched, the next is due in December. Visit the Publications page for details of other publications. To access these pages, see the navigation box top right.