Dear Parents,
I would like to welcome you and your child to Bodnant Infant School.
We are a 'Family in School', and aim to develop your child to his/her full potential in a happy, safe, secure environment.
We are proud that you have entrusted the vital early years of your child's education to our care. The following prospectus indicates how we will endeavour to justify your faith in the school.
In return it is hoped that you will play an active role in our school and the surrounding community.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Mrs) Jean Hannam MBE
Headteacher: Mrs J L Hannam
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs H Vernon
School Staff
Mrs B Smith
Mrs J Jones-Davies
Mrs J Williams
Miss C Thomas
Miss H Newby
Mrs F McMurray
Mrs J Meakin
Mrs V Cotgreave
Miss S Bartley
Miss Z Cywinsky
Mrs E Kershaw
Miss C Langdon
Nursery Nurses
Mrs D Kelly
Mrs K Rider
Miss J Dowell
Miss B Clark
Administrative Officer
Mrs S Sperring
Domestic Staff
Mrs L Winstanley
Mrs A Shepherd
Kitchen Staff
Cook: Mrs P Smith
Assistant: Mrs J Whalley
Dining Room Assistants
Mrs T Herd
Mrs A Shepherd
Mrs M Hopkins
Mrs V Cox
Mrs L Winstanley
Senior Supervisor[/b]
Ms C Lloyd
The School Prayer
This is our School
Let peace rest here
Let the rooms be full of happiness
Let love live here
Love of one another
Love of the World
Love of life itself
and love of God
Let us remember
That, as many hands build a home,
so many hearts make a school
Bodnant Infant Governors
Mrs Y Lawrence - Chairman - LEA appointed
Mr A Jones - Vice Chairman - Co-opted
Mrs V Cotgreave - Teacher Governor
Mrs R Turner - Parent Governor
Mr R Beattie - Parent Governor
Mr J Saxon - Parent Governor
Mrs S Cowsill - Parent Governor
Cllr S Drew - Town Council Rep
Cllr N Hugh Jones - LEA appointed
Mrs A Horobin - Co-opted
Mr C Parry - LEA appointed
Dr S Roberts - Co-opted
Mrs L Winstanley - Ancillary Governor
The Governors are an integral part of the management structure, working closely with staff and parents to ensure that Bodnant is a thriving and successful school.
The Governors are appointed in several ways: 3 are appointed by the LEA, one is a teacher representative, 1 ancillary representative, 4 are parent representatives, (voted on to the Governing Body by parents), 1 is a Town Council Representative and 3 are co-opted by the Governors for their areas of expertise. The Headteacher is also on the Governing Body.
What they do:
The Governing body has responsibility for:
* Delivery of the Curriculum
* Care and safety of the children and staff
* Appointment of staff
* Management of the budget
* Maintenance of the building
The full board of Governors meets at least three times a year but a lot of work is continued in various sub-committees.
The Governors produce a yearly report which outlines the previous years' work. This is presented at a meeting for parents and is an opportunity to put questions to the governors on the work of the school.
Governors play an active role in the day to day management of the school and can be seen regularly in the building.
Link Officer
Mr Tony Jones
Directorate of Lifelong Learning
Smithfield Road
Denbighshire Tel 01824 706739
Director of Education and Culture
Ms S Bowen
Directorate of Lifelong Learning
Smithfield Road
Basic Information
Postal Address
Bodnant Infant School, Marine Road, Prestatyn, Denbighshire, LL19 7HA
Telephone Number/ Fax Number
01745 852783
All parents are invited to visit the school and discuss individual children's needs (physical, academic, moral or social), with the Headteacher. Forms can then be taken home and returned completed. A mutually acceptable date for admission will be decided, when all parties are satisfied.
Parents are asked to contact the school as soon as their child/children are absent. The practice of taking children on family holidays during school time is not encouraged. Should you wish to do this please contact the Headteacher in writing.
Pupils with Disabilities
All pupils, regardless of disability (see Equal Opportunities Policy), are admitted to the school via our general Admissions Policy i.e.
1. Parents approach the school and look around.
2. Parents and Headteacher discuss facilities.
3. If a child has an existing statement, the County Statementing Office will be
contacted immediately and the child's needs assessed by the panel.
4. Admission papers are taken if the parties concerned feel that Bodnant Infants
is the correct place of education for the particular child.
5. The forms are returned to the school and the Head will arrange a mutually
acceptable date for admission.
If children require special needs, these will be met to the best our financial resources allow, including buying essential equipment, supplying extra academic support and re-training staff if necessary.
All children will join in all activities. All staff, children, parents and governors are subject to our Equal Opportunities Policy.
The Governing Body have instigated a plan lasting 2 years, in which they will ensure provision for pupils with diverse physical/mental handicap and offer total racial equality. Providing the needs of the existing school population are not impinged.
Good attendance and punctuality is important. If your child is absent, please inform the school as to the reason, by letter or telephone as soon as possible. All late arrivals and absences will be marked on the child's annual report. A holiday form must be completed if it is your intention to remove your child during term time. All children should be collected from school at the end of the day by a named person..
The average attendance for 2001-2002 was 92% with no unauthorised absences.
Mrs Cotgreave’s class won the Lawrence Attendance Shield with 95% attendance.
The school day is as follows:
Nursery Session A 8.55 a.m. to 11.25 a.m Session B 12.25 p.m. - 2.55 p.m.
Full Time 8.55 a.m. to 12.00 noon 1.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.
(23 hrs 20 mins including Collective Worship).
Parent and the School
The education and well being of your child is a partnership between yourself and the school. If you have any worries, please come and see us or telephone if this is more convenient. The school has a policy where each class teacher is available at both ends of the school day for parent contact. The Headteacher is available at all times to discuss any problems.
Home and School
a) Prospective parents are invited to visit the school.
b) Visits are arranged for children prior to starting school.
c) Meetings are held between staff and parents and any relevant information is
recorded in the child's file with parents knowledge.
d) Parents are invited to help in the classrooms under the guidance and supervision
of the class teacher.
e) Home reading is encouraged. The sharing of books at home helps children to
read and to enjoy and see the value of reading.
f) Parents are encouraged to visit the school at any time to discuss their child's
progress and are requested to attend three open evenings per year, when samples
of children's work may also be seen.
g) Written reports are produced for parents at the end of each academic year. An
interim report is available in January.
h) If parents feel any concern about their child we hope that they will inform either
the class teacher or the Headteacher. The school will inform parents if we feel
any concern about a child's progress or behaviour.
i) Homework will be given to the National Curriculum children if and when
required according to the school Homework Policy.
j) The school has a Parent Teacher Association in conjunction with Bodnant
Juniors. The aim of the Association is to encourage co-operation between staff
and parents. Several social and fund raising events are held each year. The
money raised is used to provide extra equipment for the schools.
Separate funding raising events are organised within the Infant School.
k) Parents are informed of all school activities via regular newsletters.
l) Parents will be asked to sign a Home/School Contract when the child is
admitted into school. A copy is enclosed in this publication.
m) Information Evenings for parents are arranged in yearly Positive Parenting
Evenings, Reading, Number, Help your child with his/her work etc.
n) Family Learning sessions are held during the day for interested parents.
Pastoral Care
All class teachers are responsible for the pastoral care of their children. All issues are discussed with the Headteacher. The Pastoral Sub-Committee of the Governing Body oversees these procedures.
School Organisation
The school caters for children between the ages of 3 and 7. Children entering the nursery are admitted on a part time basis (5 sessions per week) at the start of the Autumn Term following their 3rd birthday and into reception, full time, at the start of the Autumn Term following their 4th birthday. (The school Admission Policy can be viewed on request to the Headteacher).
Children are placed in mixed ability and mixed age classes. Extra provision is made, in the classroom, for children with special educational needs at either end of the scale and with a support teacher who spends at least one day a week at the school. If necessary the following outside agencies will be called in to help your child:
Speech Therapy, School health, Dentist, Educational Psychologist, Visually Impaired and Partial Hearing Units, Education Support Teachers.
All teachers teach all subjects but the music specialist takes selected classes for extra tuition.
All work is differentiated in groups to supply the needs of each child. Class, group and individual teaching strategies are used.
We aim to make the transition between home and school, one class and another and between this school and the Junior school, as smooth as possible. The children transfer to the Juniors in the September after their 7th birthday.
Aims of the School
We aim to be a 'Family in School' for the children in our care. We hope to provide a secure, safe environment in which a child can reach his/her full potential with consistency and progression. We hope to prepare the children for a caring life within the community. Our school will be a place where a child is loved, nurtured and valued as an individual. At the same time we aim to carry out the requirements of the National Curriculum to Key Stage 1 and beyond, by continuing to raise standards. The school is also committed to developing the full potential of all staff.
Our Objectives are:
a) To implement our Policy statements and guidelines in all areas of the
curriculum and the Desirable Outcomes for the Early Years children.
b) To continue to develop a broad and balanced curriculum with
particular emphasis on the requirements of the National Curriculum.
c) To continue to emphasise the development of skills, values, attitudes and
concepts of the children, staff, parents and governors.
d) To strengthen the existing links between the school and the community, and home
and the community.
e) To strengthen through frequent participation, the links with the Junior School, the
local High School and the neighbouring Primary School.
How Children Learn
In order to learn successfully, children need to have:
* Positive self images through knowing they are valued for themselves.
* Equality of opportunity to gain full access to the curriculum.
* An atmosphere of positive relationships, stability, structure and security in which
to learn.
* The opportunity to develop personal and social skills and a sense of morality
together with a sensitivity to others' needs.
* A stimulating environment, appropriate tasks and tools.
* The opportunity to express themselves creatively and apply their skills and
knowledge through problem solving and first hand experience.
Curriculum Areas
The Early Years children are given a broad and balanced curriculum incorporating the Desirable Outcomes.
The Education Reform Act provides for the establishment of a National Curriculum comprising of 3 core subjects, and Welsh (for schools in Wales), plus 8 foundation subjects. We introduce the children to these areas in Nursery and Reception classes via the Desirable Outcomes, and fully implement them in years 1 and 2. The school curriculum is organised to give each child a balanced and structured approach to both core and foundation subjects. Detailed long term planning ensures the child has total coverage of the National Curriculum to Key Stage 1.
For each of these areas we follow attainment targets, programmes of study, guidelines, school policy documents and assessment procedures. We aim to achieve this coverage through a combination of cross curricular approaches and structured schemes of work, all linked together in the school key stage framework.
At Bodnant the children are taught in class groups, year groups and individually. The activity determines the method of teaching.
At Key Stage 1, children will be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of Mathematics through practical activity, exploration and discussion. They are taught appropriate Mathematical language in context and encouraged to explain and compare the Mathematics they do. Children represent their work in a variety of ways using objects, pictures, diagrams, words and symbols. They will begin to recognise simple patterns and relationships, responding to and asking questions about them. Children develop a range of flexible methods for working with number and use these to solve numerical problems in a variety of contexts. They check answers in different ways and begin to use written methods of recording which reflect the mental strategies they use. Work in Shape, Space and Measures extends children’s understanding and experience of their environment in meaningful ways.
We aim to give them opportunities to relate one aspect of their mathematical thinking to another by linking together different sections of the programme of study from the National Curriculum.
Children are taught to listen and respond appropriately and effectively to a range of stimuli, including audio-visual media, speaking audibly, with clear pronunciation and appropriate intonation. They will have opportunities to structure their talk, using it to develop and clarify their thinking, whilst leading with a range of methods. They are taught the basic conventions of print and books and given opportunities to enable them to enjoy reading. They are also taught effective techniques for using the sources of information available to them, and making sense of what they read. Children are taught that writing communicates meaning, and are given opportunities to express themselves in writing so that they begin to develop as independent writers, both creatively and factually, using conventional spelling, punctuation, grammatical organisation, and handwriting which is legible.
Children’s knowledge, understanding and skills are developed within an integrated programme of speaking and listening, reading and writing.
They are given opportunities that interrelate the requirements of the Range, Skills and Language Development sections of the National Curriculum.
Children are given opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of Science by exploring the familiar world around them in a safe, systematic and sensitive way. They have opportunities to relate their scientific understanding to domestic contexts and to their local environment. In doing so, they use simple conventions to describe their findings and to present their work. Children are be taught to explore and investigate and relate their observations to simple scientific ideas.
Children work with a limited range of tools and materials to make simple products. They explore how familiar products work and communicate their ideas as they work. They are taught to develop design and technology capability through combining their Designing and Making skills and Knowledge and Understanding in order to design and make products.
Children become familiar with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) hardware and software. They learn to use ICT confidently and purposefully to achieve specific outcomes. They start to use ICT to develop their ideas and record their creative work.
Children are taught how to perform, compose and appraise music whilst focusing their listening (in all musical activities) on the musical elements. The repertoire chosen for performing and listening comprises a range of music, including the music of Wales.
The activities of performing, composing and appraising are interwoven so that the learning derived from each serves to reinforce learning in the others. The term ‘compositions’ includes improvisations and arrangements. We have an active school choir and orchestra and perform at local events and services.
Welsh as a second language is taught in every class with a minimum of 15 minutes per day allocated, in addition to incidental Welsh during other various activities throughout the school day. All teachers are able to teach Welsh competently.
Physical Education
Full use is made, dependent on weather, of the yard, dining hall, school field and nearby park. Shorts, T-Shirt and slip-on pumps should be worn for PE associated activities.
Each class is time tabled 2/3 times per week for PE and movement. Year 2 children all have the opportunity to learn to swim.
We aim to build on children’s enthusiasm and energy for movement and play, using indoor and outdoor environments. Children are taught the skills associated with moving and playing creatively and safely. They are taught to repeat movements and improve how these look or feel. They are given opportunities to work with a partner, exploring and sharing ideas and helping each other to improve their work.
In this manner, children develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of physical education through the areas of activity when planning (composing), performing and evaluating (reviewing or appreciating) activity. The greatest emphasis is on performing.
Children are given opportunities to respond practically and imaginatively to the work of others, experiencing work in a range of media and from a variety of periods, cultures and contexts including local and Welsh examples. They begin by exploring ways of making, using a variety of materials, tools and processes, in two and three dimensions and on a variety of scales. They investigate the natural and man made environment and the imagined world from observation, experience and imagination using a variety of resources, including, where appropriate, ICT.
We have a kiln and each child has adequate opportunities to work in clay throughout their time at Bodnant Infants.
Religious Education and Collective Worship
Religious Education takes its place on the timetable like other subjects, the mainly Christian ethic being an integral part of the ethos of the school. We endeavour at all times to transmit values and attitudes, displaying the need for children to care for one another and also about those less fortunate in the world. Parents who wish to withdraw
their child from the school's Religious Education programme are asked to contact the Headteacher. All classes include circle time on the curriculum as part of our pastoral care.
Children have opportunities to develop an awareness of the ways in which the past is different from the present. They are taught to develop an awareness of chronology, of different types of historical sources and to communicate their knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways.
Children are given opportunities to build on their awareness of the local areas and the wider world. They will be taught to acquire and apply geographical enquiry skills and broaden their knowledge and understanding of similar and contrasting geographical features of places. They are given opportunities to observe and describe these features and express their opinions about them.
We aim to give a broad, balanced curriculum, whilst concentrating on the core skills.
Special Educational Needs
The educational needs of all children are special, but we cater for children at either end of the academic and physical scale with equal concern. Our Special Needs Teacher works with the children one day per week, taking out both bright children and those with difficulties. Where finances allow we employ further staff to work with these children who require differing needs.
Our SEN budget is supplemented from capitation and resources are kept in the Playgroup Room. All staff have received inset in various SEN related topics, including the SEN Support Unit, the Visually Impaired Unit , Speech Therapy and the Partially Deaf Unit. Children with SEN are guided through the appropriate stages of the Code of Practice and all outside agencies used when necessary to provide support and guidance.
SEN expenditure has far exceeded the income in this area. The school employs 2x .5 and a .2 teacher. We have purchased various stock and a specialist reading scheme costing �1,000.
The admission policy for children with special educational needs can be viewed on request.
Personal and Social Education
A structured, progressive approach to PSE is followed throughout the school. This closely adheres to the Welsh Office recommendations. We also follow the Paths curriculum linked with Assertive Discipline.
Early Years
This unit is established to cater for children 2� - 5� years. Our work is based on the criteria laid down by the Government's "Desirable Outcomes". We aim to prepare the children for their National Curriculum years with a broad and balanced curriculum, linked to school topics, ethos and discipline.
Equal Opportunities
We are committed to the philosophy that children are entitled to be educated to their full academic ability, regardless of race, gender or class, or physical state. We have access for wheelchairs. The full policy can be viewed in the office.
The school is committed to valuing and accommodating the needs of all children in our care and has plans to accommodate all children regardless of race, culture, need or disability.
The children will cover the following topics in the year groups:
Nursery - Little Red Hen, Road Safety, Billy Goats Gruff
Reception - Food, People That Help Us, Water
Year 1 - Ourselves, Sound, Light & Dark, Materials, Growings
Things, Forces
Year 2 - Life in our Environment, Electricity, Material, Forces &
Movement, Health & Growth & Variations.
Sex Education
We start on the process of sex education as part of a developing curriculum of personal and social education, bearing in mind the maturity and needs of individual children. More detail is covered in Science in Year 2. All children are taught life skills. Parents wishing to withdraw their child from the Sex Education Programme must apply in writing to the Headteacher.
We encourage the government scheme "Young People and Sport in Wales", by setting ourselves targets which can contribute to a brighter sporting future for Wales.
We have a full National Curriculum coverage of Dance, Gym and Games at Key Stage 1. We also take our Year 2 swimming each week, have a football club, Country Dance Group, a well-fit club and a short tennis club in the summer term. The Claire Bullen-Evans trophy has been awarded to the school to enable the children to compete in short tennis.
Welsh Sports Marc Award
This accolade has been awarded to Bodnant Infants for 2 consecutive years by a national panel of judges who recognised our work with PE and games within the school. We aim
to teach the children good habits, to fit them for life.
The Quality Mark
In December 1999 we were awarded the Basic Skills Agency Quality Mark for our work in raising standards via increasing the teaching of basic skills within the school. This was re-accredited in 2002.
Investor In People
This has been awarded to Bodnant Infants 3 times in recognition of their work on Staff Development.
We have made the school as secure as possible without giving the children a confined environment.
These arrangements are described in our Health and Safety Policy. Precautions are revised termly and risk assessment has been conducted with the help of governors, and the County Risk Management Team.
We expect very high standards of behaviour from our pupils at all times, and great emphasis is placed on self discipline. Corporal punishment is not used in the school. If school is to reflect society there must be rewards and punishments. Rewards are based on both achievement and effort and as a last resort punishment involves a loss of privilege for a specific period of time. Parents will be informed at all stages. A list of rules is enclosed in this prospectus. In accordance with new legislation the school reserves the right to use reasonable force to control or restrain children where necessary. For further details the school Discipline/Bullying Policy can be viewed on request to the Headteacher.
School Records
Members of staff keep detailed records of each child's progress, together with samples of work. These are available during open evenings and form the basis of parent/teacher discussions. They can be seen at other times by contacting the Headteacher. All school documentation is reviewed and assessed for its suitability at regular intervals by staff and the Governing Body.
School Meals
School meals are provided each day with a limited choice of food. Money for meals for the week is collected by the class teacher on Monday morning, in a container, with the child's name on it. Cheques should be made payable to Denbighshire County Council. Application forms for free meals are available from school. Children who choose not to have school meals can bring their own packed lunch.
Health and Safety
The Health and Safety of the children is of paramount importance. A Risk Management Assessment is carried out on a daily basis and action taken accordingly. All adults working within the school are responsible for reporting factors which may put the children at risk. Health and Safety matters are reviewed each term by the Governing Body.
The uniform is grey trousers or skirt with a blue sweat shirt top or cardigan and blue polo shirt, and a blue fleece. In addition blue jogging suits with the school logo on the top are available from the school stockists, (the wearing of which is particularly encouraged in Nursery and Reception and on swimming days). It would be greatly appreciated if all items of clothing could be marked with the child's name.
The School Sister visits the school regularly and is pleased to advise on any medical problem. If requested, medical examinations are held towards the end of the child's Reception Year. Parents are requested to attend. The School Nurse is available for consultations when required.
We request that parents do not ask teachers or nursery nurses to administer medication to children in their charge.
School Services
We hold weekly assemblies in the hall and parents are encouraged to participate when their own child is involved. The Parish Church in Prestatyn is the venue for our Harvest and Christmas celebrations, and we encourage other church leaders to lead our acts of worship. Collective Worship takes place each day of the week, with whole school services on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Parents have the right to request withdrawal from the schools R.E programme, if our worship is contrary to their beliefs. All such requests must be made in writing to the Headteacher.
Educational Visits
On entry to the school, all pupils will be given a form of consent to be filled in by parents. By completing the form (Form A), the parents agree to their child participating in recognised school activities off the site. You may be asked for a voluntary contribution but your child will not be excluded if this is not possible. However, if there is not enough financial support from parents, the activity may have to be cancelled. Every child will be taken on a number of trips throughout the year.
All year 2 children have the opportunity to learn to swim and develop their swimming techniques. A weekly voluntary contribution is made to cover costs.
Dogs are not allowed into the playground because of the nuisance factor. Health hazards arising from their presence is causing concern to staff, pupils and parents. If we are able to identify offending dogs it will be possible for Denbighshire County Council to prosecute such owners.
In the event of a serious accident or your child becoming unwell during school time, parents will be contacted using the personal information held on file in school. Please notify the class teacher and the school office of change of address and phone number.
In our efforts to encourage children to care for others less fortunate than themselves, we try to support various charities throughout the year.
Our main charities this year have been:
Cancer Unit (Christmas Cards etc.) 225.00
Race for Life (Imperial Cancer) 271.00
Cancer Research 110.00
Glan Clwyd Diabetic Unit 176.00
St. Kentigern Hospice (Pink Day) 155.00
Llys Nant 184.00
Glan Clwyd Cancer Unit (Pink Day) 155.00
Hope House 160.00
School Fund Raising
Centenary Day 368.88
School Photographs 1923.30
Miscellaneous donations 76.45
Family Learning Stalls 123.00
School Marathon 1475.00
Christmas Concert 197.75
Christmas Fair 670.18
Book Fair 483.45
Easter Fair 847.75
The school organises a playgroup operating every day for the younger children from
11.30 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. Details are available from the office. The playgroup has been awarded the Quality Assured Mark, granted by the Welsh Pre-School Playgroup Association, to indicate excellent practice.
Breakfast Club/Funclub
The school organises a morning Breakfast Club and an after school Funclub. This provides safe, secure child care 8.00 - 9.00 a.m. and from 3.00 - 5.30 p.m. each week day respectively. The club achieved Level 3 Quality Assured Award this year. Details are available from the office.
Please do not park on the yellow zig-zags/lines outside the school gates as this has resulted in a number of accidents over the past few years.
All children will bring reading books home. We would appreciate any time you could spend with your child and his/her reading book. Year 1 and 2 children will be asked to learn weekly spelling lists and have general knowledge tasks to perform. Occasionally number work will be included in the homework diary.
Charging and Remissions Policy
We aim to provide a free education to all, offering activities to children regardless of the parental ability or willingness to pay. We invite voluntary contributions for activities not funded by the LEA and reserve the right to cancel the activities if the cost cannot be met.
This policy covers educational visits, swimming and materials for practical projects. Should property of the school be lost or damaged as a consequence of a pupil’s action, parents may be requested to contribute. No child will be penalised if parents are unable or unwilling to contribute.
A separate charge will be made for Playgroup and Breakfast and Funclub.
Complaints Procedure
A document explaining arrangements may be examined in the school office.
Should you have any complaints, please follow the following procedure:
Stage 1
Report the problem to the class teacher
Stage 2
Report the problem to the Headteacher
Stage 3
Report the problem to the Chairman of Governors i.e.
Mrs Y Lawrence
40 Aberconway Road
Stage 4
Report the problem to Denbighshire County Council via:
Mr T Jones
Directorate of Lifelong Learning
Smithfield Road
Denbighshire Tel 01824 706739
Documents available for Inspection
Parents may view certain school documents by prior arrangement with the Headteacher
S.a.t - Standardised Assessment Test
S.E.N. - Special Educational Needs
NOF - New Opportunity Funding
L.E.A - Local Education Authority
L2/L3 - Level 2/Level 3 (See s.a.t page)
P.T.A. - Parent Teacher Association
Key Stage One - The educational stage reached at 7 years
Key Stage 1 Assessment Results
In presenting this information, we should like to remind you of the following:
i A typical 7 year old will be at Level 2.
ii A level 3 is an exceptionally good result.
iii A level 4 is hardly ever achieved by the age of 7.
iv Most pupils will move to a new level every two years or so.
v At any one time, pupils are likely to reach a higher level in some areas than others.
Analysis of KS1 results 2002 resulting in the following action points
1. To increase the level of children reaching L3 in Science by widening the
opportunities given to the children to take part in investigation and scientific
2. To increase the level of children reaching L3 in Mathematics by covering more
child led investigative work.
3. To work on Speaking and Listening skills within the school to allow more
children to articulate their answers in other curriculum areas.
4. To extend independent writing opportunities.
Children at L2 or over 1998 = 83%
Children at L2 or over 1999 = 89%
Children at L2 or over 2000 = 94%
Children at L2 or over 2001 = 86%
Children at L2 or over 2002 = 79%
School Rules
This Code of Conduct has been agreed by the staff and children of Bodnant Infants:
Be happy girls and boys
Be good friends
Be polite with each other
Always do your very best
Walk throughout the school very quietly
Always use classroom voices
Try to look after our school
Be kind to each other
Look after the children
who are smaller than you
Always return things that do not
belong to you
Please be a family in school.
Now that you have read our prospectus, I hope you can tell that we are very proud of our school. It belongs to the staff, governors, children and parents.
Together we aim to provide a secure, loving environment, in which we cater for the
individual needs of your child; allowing him/her to reach his/her full potential, at
every level in their development process.