Provision for Early Years
Children attend part time Nursery in the September following their 3rd birthday, and full time education in the Reception class in the September after their 4th birthday.
During these formative years children will follow a programme of study which will enable them to develop linguistic, numerical, personal and social, creative and physical skills.
A staggered intake is provided for Reception children during the first week of term.
The National Curriculum: Key Stage – 1
In years 1 and 2, the children follow programmes of study set down by the National Curriculum for Key Stage – 1.
There are three core subjects: English, Mathematics and Science, together with eight foundation subjects:
Technology, Geography, History, Art, Music, Physical Education, Welsh Second Language and Religious Education.
Classroom activities are planned so that children gain knowledge, skills and understanding in a balanced framework with the help of interesting projects which cover all subject areas.
Each subject has various attainment targets which are the ultimate learning objectives for Key Stage-1.
Around the age of seven, teacher assessments in the core subjects are reported to parents and Denbighshire LEA.
All subjects are also assessed by the teacher and the results reported to the parents in the annual report.
Team Teaching – Expressive Art Subjects (excluding Reception pupils)
This is undertaken on four afternoons from 1-2pm whereby each teacher teaches KS1 and KS2 classes in the “Expressive Arts” i.e. Music, Drama, Dance, P.E.
The National Curriculum: Key Stage-2
The National Curriculum, Key Stage-2 covers the age groups 7-11.
From 1994, all 11 year old pupils will be tested in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science.
There will also be assessments in the foundation subjects:
History, Geography, Welsh, Technology, Music and Physical Education.
Extra curricular activities, in which all 3-6 year pupils have the opportunity to participate, are also offered.
These activities include:
Recorders, Dance, Drama, Games, Gymnastics and Music.
Special Education Needs
As soon as a teacher notices that a child shows signs of having difficulties with learning the Special Needs Co-ordinator (Miss L H Evans) and parents will be informed in order to monitor the child’s development according to the Code of Practice.
The child will be assessed to ascertain his/her specific difficulty and an Individual Teaching Programme will be prepared by the class teacher. These children will be given extra support by a weekly session with the Special Needs Teacher.
We can also offer the service of an Educational Psychologist and Speech Therapy. If you feel your child could benefit from these specialists, please get in touch with Miss L.H.Evans.
Pastoral Care & Social Discipline
Care for the children is the responsibility of all staff, but each child is placed in the specific care of a class teacher.
We encourage self-discipline and self-esteem and look to you, the parents, for support in this.
As an ongoing part of our school development we have introduced a new discipline system. The system that we have adopted is known as ‘Assertive Discipline’, which can best be described as Positive Behaviour Management (please see outline guide).
Our school nurse is Nurse Sian Cork.
Nurse Cork attends school on a regular basis and is able to advise on any medical problems, which you may wish to bring to her attention.
All pupils admitted to school as new pupils will be seen by the School Doctor during their year of admission.
Notices giving the dates and times of such medical examinations will be issued and parents invited to attend.
If you find at any time that your child has contacted head lice please inform the school immediately, when we can then issue appropriate guidelines.
If parents wish to contact Nurse Cork, regarding any medical matter, she can be contacted at the Prestatyn Clinic, telephone number 01745 854546.
School Dinners
Dining arrangements are made so that children have their meals in the School Hall, in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere. Sandwiches can be brought if desired.
Local County ruling is that dinner money must be paid in advance on Mondays. If, due to exceptional circumstances, a child does not bring dinner money on Monday, this should be brought into school before Friday latest.
Parents who feel that they qualify for free school meals should contact the school. We will then issue them with the appropriate form.
Special Activities
i) Music
Children in the Junior Department whom staff believe to be musically capable are given every opportunity to learn the recorder. The school choir also meets weekly to sing a variety of pieces. NOF funding provides a club for music on Wednesdays.
ii) Physical Education
Football practice for boys is on a Wednesday after school, and Netball practice for girls is also on Wednesdays.
iii) School Concerts, Plays
These are organised at various times during school terms and details of such events are published well in advance.
iv) In-School Visits
From time to time, various groups are invited to the school to entertain and inform the children: Theatre Groups, Wildlife Lecturers, Musical Groups, Community Police, etc…
v) Extramural Visits
We try to encourage our pupils to take an active interest in their environment and organise occasional visits to areas and places of interest. Parents are informed by letter of any such visits in which their children are involved.
vi) Artist in Residence
We endeavour for each pupil to experience working with an artist in school. Ranging from a Ceramicist to a Textile Artist.
vii) Urdd Movement
Children will have an opportunity to compete at the Eisteddfod in singing, recitation, dance and art. A weekly club is held with a wide range of activities with a Bi-lingual approach.
viii) Extra English
This class is held on Tuesday evenings for year 6 pupils only from September – May. Pupils are given extra opportunities to develop their Literacy Skills in preparation for SATs at Key Stage II
Parental Involvement
Parents are encouraged and invited to help class teachers during certain activities e.g. listening to readers, aspects of technology, art, supervisory computers, school outings and general help in Early Years classroom.
School Attendance
i) New Legislations:
Due to new legislation’s that are now in force, it is of extreme importance that the school is informed of any absence incurred by children. For family holidays taken in term time, a holiday form is available from school which should be filled in and returned to the school before the holiday is taken. Visits to Clinics, medical or dental, should be covered by a note, as should absences incurred through illness, either by informing the school with a telephone message or a note explaining the absence.
All unreported absences will be taken by the Authority as truancy, so it is important that the school is informed of all absences incurred.
Late arrivals at school are also to be indicated in the Attendance Register, so please ensure that children arrive in school by 8.50am i.e. before the bell is rung. Your co-operation will be appreciated.
ii) Hours of Attendance
Junior Department 8.55am - 12.00noon
Infant Department 8.55am - 12.00noon
Junior Department 1.00pm - 3.20pm
Infant Department 1.00pm - 3.00pm
8.55am – 11.30am
iii) Arrival at School
Ideally, children should arrive at school ten minutes prior to the commencement of the morning/afternoon sessions. We cannot accept responsibility for pupils who come into school grounds before this.
iv) Children who are being collected
If you are unable to collect your child please notify us immediately regarding other arrangements.
v) Early Years
All early years’ children must be picked up by an adult when leaving school.
vi) Leaving School
Parents who use cars to convey their children from school are asked not to drive down the narrow access road to school, but to park on Ffordd Pennant. The SCHOOL ENTRANCE box adjacent to the access road entrance has been put there to ensure the safety of your child along with all our other pupils. Please do not park inside this area. We also wish to be informed if any stranger is picking up your child.
Road Crossing
The school crossing point for pupils is near to the Bus Stop on Ffordd Talargoch. We try to encourage all our pupils to cross the main road at this point. Please ensure that your children are reminded frequently about this very important aspect of their personal safety.
Road Safety
The school is visited on a regular basis by agencies concerned with Road Safety. Training in the care and proper use of bicycles is also given to our pupils in their fourth year in our Junior Department.
Pastoral Care
Each member of staff do their best to ensure the children’s interests are cared for. In each case the main responsibility lies with the class teacher. Parents should inform the school of any important circumstances in the development and welfare of their child. The staff are always keen to discuss the interest of the children and parents. Please contact the school if you need to discuss anything with the teachers of headteacher.
However, please remember that the teachers have a full timetable during the day. It would be far easier to make an appointment after school hours as to ensure that you have plenty of time for discussion.
Bright Future
The school aspires to raise standards at all times by assessing the achievements for the children and noting areas where results could improve.
Certain pupils are targeted and starting from September 2002 their progress will be monitored closely in Language only.
Pupils are required to do formal homework. A Home and School Reading Record is provided for each child. Children are given a set task in homework according to their ability and age.
School Clothing
Ysgol Melyd has a school uniform and it consists of:
GIRLS:White blouse, black/grey skirt/trousers, white socks, black shoes, grey/red jumper/sweatshirt.
Summer: Gingham checked dress
BOYS:White/grey shirt, black/grey trousers (grey/charcoal), black shoes, red/grey jumper/sweatshirt, grey socks.
Summer: Plain shorts and T-shirts. No slogans, Bermuda-style or multi coloured shorts.
Uniform is available from 1st Class Clothes, 12 High Street, Prestatyn.
All items of pupils’ clothing should be clearly marked with a name and/or some other distinguishing mark. The difficulties of identifying personal items from a large
number of identical garments cause a great deal of time to be wasted and your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Many unmarked items of clothing/footwear are left in school by pupils. Lost property of this nature, if left unclaimed for one term, will be given to a local charity.
Games and PE The L.E.A. provides opportunities to participate in different sports and games namely, football, rugby, squash, golf and netball. Our main aim is to give every pupil an opportunity to participate in a wide range of physical activities and sport. The outcome is that pupils enjoy taking part rather than nurturing a competitive attitude. It is recommended that pupils bring with them to school appropriate clothing for these activities. It is suggested that such items – pumps, shorts, leotards, etc - be kept in a bag clearly marked with the owner’s name. We consider it very important that your child should try to take an active part in all these activities.
Swimming lessons are also provided for all Junior and Year 2 children in school time.
i) Pocket Money - we recommend that pupils do not bring money to school unless it is required for some specific purpose. Adherence to this recommendation would reduce the incidence of complaints of loss from trays, cloakrooms etc…
Please Note
Any money which you may send to the school should be in an envelope (an old used one will suffice) on which is written your child’s name and the purpose of the money. This will help to reduce losses.
School Holidays
As these change each year, the holiday list will be issued separately at the beginning of the Autumn Term.
Parents’ Holiday
If parents’ holidays do not coincide with the above, so that pupils have to be absent from school during term-time, a “NOTIFICATION OF ABSENCE OF SCHOOL CHILD ON HOLIDAY” form should be obtained from the school, completed and returned at least seven days in advance of the child’s first day of absence.
Change of Address
Please inform the school of any change in your home address or your telephone number. A proforma is provided and is yearly updated
Change in Family Circumstances etc.
It is very helpful to us if we can be kept informed of any change in your family circumstances, which may affect your child.
Family bereavements often cause children to be unsettled or unhappy, and we regard it as part of our work to be sensitive and helpful with children who are affected in this way. Sometimes children are reluctant to tell anyone about experiences of this kind, and it would be appreciated if you could inform us either by letter or a personal visit.
Friends of Ysgol Melyd
There is an active PTA in the school with regular meetings being held throughout the year.
Notices regarding meetings and other events will be sent to you periodically.
We regard this personal and ongoing association between parents and teachers as one of the most valuable inputs in the life of the school.
The PTA raises funds for essential extra equipment needed by the school, and also puts on such social events as car rallies, barn dances etc. throughout the year.
Your active participation in the PTA will be very warmly welcomed.
The LEA has established arrangements for the consideration of complaints regarding the actions of schools’ governing bodies in relation to curriculum and other associated matters. These arrangements are outlined in a document which is available at the school. However, it should be remembered that most complaints can be dealt with effectively and quickly by means of discussion with the Headteacher and School Staff.
•The Government has stated that in future targets for raising standards must be set in terms of pupils’ performance in National Curriculum assessments and public examinations.
All state primary schools will be required to produce plans showing what action they will take to meet the national targets. Action plans should incorporate clear, quantifiable targets. Within the wider framework of national targets, individual schools will have considerable discretion to choose their own targets to reflect the particular circumstances and needs of their establishment. There are two main requirements in choosing targets in literacy and numeracy:
•The targets should form and integral part of a progressive and sustained programme for developing the knowledge and skills children require to achieve the national targets at Key Stage 2.
•The targets should be set in the context of the school, taking account of any special features and the particular needs of individual pupils and groups.
Target setting at Ysgol Melyd
We believe that Target Setting provides a structure to improve the process and quality of learning for all children. It enables us to introduce changes and innovation rationally. It brings together all aspects of school planning and helps to turn long term vision into short-term achievable goals.
Our main aim is to bring about ecognisable improvement in the quality of teaching and learning provided by the school.
Type of Plan
The Target Action Plan is written in line with the academic year.
All members of staff and governors are involved with the production of the targets. Once completed the Target Action Plan is presented to the Governing Body for discussion and endorsement. The LEA are sent a copy and the Local Area Officer is also invited to make constructive remarks.
Cycle of Production
Targets are reviewed each Summer Term with consultation from Staff and Governors.
Amending the Plan
We are prepared to revise the plan when and if necessary. A revised plan should then be presented to those interested parties for endorsement of reference.
Home School Agreement
As from January 2000 each pupil is issued with a Home School Agreement. It is hoped that this will strengthen the link between all parties to create a warm positive environment for the children.