Prestatyn town is situated on the North Wales Coast with the Clwydian Hills in the background. At the heart of the community is the High School which is a County Co-educational Comprehensive School for pupils aged 11-18. There are 1723 pupils presently on role. The school occupies purpose built accommodation with sepcialist provision for Science, Art, Music, Business Studies, Design and technology, Physical Education and Sport.
A major buildings programme funded by the Welsh Office under the 'Popular Schools Initiative' was completed in December 1998. This has provided a new Library/Careers/Resources building, a new IT and Maths block, a refurbished Technology suite, imroved facilities in Art, Science and Learning Support together with a new Snack Centre, covered way and re-designed area for the sixth form students.
SCHOOL AIMS As a caring school we consider the education of each student to be of equal importance. The child is central to the design and implementation of the curriculum, and each child will have equal access to the whole curriculum irrespective of ability, gender or culture.
The school will continue to forge strong links between home and school, so that the influence of each is complimentary in the child’s development.
In providing meaningful experiences the school will constantly be aware of the expectations of its own community and of society as a whole. Respect and care for others within the community will be fostered as a personal quality.
The school will continue to promote excellence and expectations of its students.
Each student will be provided with a broad and balanced education which promotes his/her linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, creative/aesthetic, human/social/environmental, moral/personal/spiritual and physical development.
The curriculum must allow for differences in the abilities, aptitudes and other characteristics of students. It must be flexible enough to adapt content and method to match individual strengths and weaknesses, aspirations and interests, backgrounds and experience.
The school will work towards learning experiences that are meaningful, relevant, motivating, challenging, active and student centred.
The school recognises that the student development is a continuous process with smooth transition essential at all stages. Learning experiences need to be structured to enable each child to progress in the development of knowledge, skills, concepts and attitudes.
A significant minority of children may at some stage during their school life have special educational needs. Resources will be made available to satisfy these needs. For some a ‘Statement of Special Educational Need’ may be necessary.
Children in Prestatyn have an entitlement to learn about Welsh culture and history as well as language. The curriculum should also encourage each child to develop a sympathetic awareness of, and respect for, cultural diversity.