Our Headteacher is Mrs H A Roberts
Currently our classes are: Year 3 - Mrs. S Pinney Year 4- Mrs. J Ritchie Year 5- Mrs. C Foulkes Year 6 - Mr. T M Redgrave (Deputy Headteacher) All classes recieve support from Mrs T Mooney Mrs S Estlick Mrs A Passey
What We Say...
Our aim is to create a rich and varied environment in which encouragement is given to all pupils to work and to develop to the best of their abilities.
A variety of experiences and opportunities are provided both in and out of school, to prepare pupils for future years. The community is bilingual and the school activities reflect this culture as far as possible. We regard the education of each pupil as having equal value.
We aim to give pupils a sense of pride in their school and in themselves by encouraging high standards of work, conduct and appearance. In general we hope to contribute towards a natural development enjoyed in a happy, friendly atmosphere.
What the Inspectors said...
Ysgol Esgob Morgan as a school which is continuing to improve. It has many good features and provides a good standard of education for its pupils.
The headteacher, ably supported by the deputy and a committed governing body, provides good leadership and has a good overview of the life and work of the school. The staff work effectively as a team ensuring that the school's clear values, especially respect for individuals, their needs and achievements, have a positive effect on all pupils.
Tuesday 26th June |
Posted Tuesday 26 June 2007 - 17:12:19 |
Sports Day & Summer Fayre
Due to the inclement weather we are postponing sports day until Friday 6th July 1PM start (weather permitting). We will, however, go ahead with our summer fayre this Friday 29th June as we will hold it inside if necessary! Please do come along as there will be lots of stalls and games, bouncy castles, ice cream van, and don’t forget the brilliant Raffle prizes on offer; The land rover experience; family tickets to wonderland, The Welsh highland railway, Lake Windermere, Cardiff Blues rugby match and the sun centre; Bottles of wine and champagne’ Boxes of Chocolates; Teddy bear; a picture; Sarah Tonin vouchers; an artificial flower arrangement. There is also, providing we can find the stocks, the opportunity to throw wet sponges at me in “Soak Sir”. Brilliant. The fun starts at 2:30 – let’s make it a great occassion (and bring your friends, family and money!!!!) .
Violin Presentation
Mr Wright and his students will be performing on Thursday 28th July at 10:30 AM. All welcome.
Theatre Productions
Kinetic theatre for science are here on Thursday afternoon at a cost of £2 please, and also Theatre for youth are here on Monday 2nd July at a cost of £1 please. We have a magician here on the 11th and that one is on the school!
School Trip
I have something a little different planned this year instead of a whole school trip. I have taken this decision due to the high number of trips and visiting companies we have had this year and I don’t feel right asking for more money. Therefore I have a treat planned for the school on me! More details to follow.
Monday 18th June 2007 |
Posted Monday 18 June 2007 - 16:15:24 |
Dear All,
Last week’s inspection was a very thorough process and conducted in a most professional manner by the inspection team, staff and pupils. The whole experience, in my opinion gives a fair, honest and true reflection of our school and I am very pleased with the results. We are receiving a draft copy of the final report on Thursday with the final report available from September.
We are very busy organising the Summer Fayre at the moment. Thank you for the items for the tombola last week. This Thursday is non uniform for the bottles please. Next Friday is non uniform for cakes. We are selling raffle tickets after school with Mr Hughes or in school by myself. Prizes include, a half day off road driving experience, a family ticket to Wonderland, a family Freedom of the Lake ticket for Lake Windermere, a family ticket for the Welsh Highland Railway Caernarfon, 2 tickets to see the Cardiff Blues at the Cardiff Arms Park at a game of your choice and a family ticket to the Sun Centre. The price will be £1 per strip.
Could you please ensure all payments for lessons have been made, there are a number of payments outstanding.
Due to circumstances beyond our control we have had to postpone the performances of our school musical. I will confirm the new dates soon!
This Wednesday sees the return of the film night! This week’s film is ‘Over the Hedge’. As usual its £1.50 and there will be food to buy on the ‘night’. It will finish at 5.00p.m. Definitely this time!
Our School Council |
Posted Thursday 17 May 2007 - 17:11:02 |
The school council visited the council offices. They had a debate in the chambers!
Tuesday, 15 May 2007 |
Posted Tuesday 15 May 2007 - 11:08:54 |
I had an interesting conversation with a parent recently about fund raising and how that you, as parents, would like to know where the money gets spent. As an example, over the last 2 weeks, we have had “Key Strings” visiting the school and Years 3 and 5 have been on trips to Betws Y coed. The total cost to school for these events was £840. £541.50 has been collected – leaving a deficit of £298.50. For Key Strings: 47% of Year 3 have paid; 35% of Year 4 have paid; 29 % of Year 5 have paid; 22% of Year 6 have paid. For the trips to Betws Y coed: 80% of Year 3 have paid and 79% of Year 5 have paid. We rely on the voluntary contributions of the parents to help pay for these trips and school will pick up the shortfall. I believe in activities, trips and presentations and their potential to enhance our children’s learning and will continue to provide these events for our children as long as there is money in the school fund. That is why we need to hold events such as discos, fayres and film nights. As well as being really important dates on our social calendar they are an essential tool for us to keep providing the very best for our children. I hope this goes someway to explaining the need to keep fund raising and where the money goes!
With fund raising in mind, I am looking forward to our next film night. Tomorrow sees the presentation of “A Night at the Museum”. If children could bring £1.50 with them to pay on the door it would be a big help. There will be some pop corn and drinks to buy. It should finish at 5PM approx.
It is Christian Aid week and the focus this year for the Cathedral is planting trees in Senegal. We are going to be colouring in leaves and putting them on trees up at the Cathedral on Thursday morning at 9.30AM – you are most welcome to join us. There will also be an opportunity for the children to drop some small coins in collection boxes. This is, again, a voluntary contribution but any donation would be greatly appreciated by the Cathedral.
Reminders that class photos are this Friday and the Registered Inspector is visiting the school next Wednesday, with a meeting for you at 6PM. It would be great to see a big turn out.
There is a FREE magic show for the children on Thursday May 24th in the afternoon. We are visiting the church on the 25th May at 10AM – again you are most welcome to join us. This is also the closing date for school. We re open on 4th June
Cycling Proficiency training is starting for Year 6 children on Tuesday 5th June. The children will need to bring their own bikes to school, have track suit bottoms or joggers to wear and a safety helmet. There is no charge for this training and we always have a good turn out.
Tuesday, 08 May 2007 |
Posted Wednesday 09 May 2007 - 18:13:18 |
I would like to say a big thank you to all the children who attended “Film Night” last week. You made it so easy by being so well behaved and I promise I will do my best to not run out of sweets next time! It was a lovely social occasion. The event was held to raise money for school funds and I am pleased to say we raised £135.50. This ALL goes straight back to the children by helping pay for coaches, events and parties – I am sure you will all agree that this is a fantastic idea for raising school funds. If you have any questions regarding “Film Night” please do call in and see me. In the mean time, the next film night will be on Wednesday 16th May and the film will be “A Night at The Museum”. It will start at 3.30PM and finish at 5PM approx. The children DO NOT need to go home first and they can bring clothes to change into if they want.
This Thursday we have Key Strings visiting. They are a fantastic duo who bring alive the music curriculum. We would be grateful if you could send in £2.50 to help pay for this event.
Could all NSPCC money please be sent in by Thursday.
On Thursday 17th May Year 5 and 6 are going to Ysgol Frongoch to attend a road safety presentation by the Company of Cyclists. Could the children bring their cycle helmets with them if they have one. I would suggest they all wear jogging bottoms and all children with long hair to tie it back.
All classes are having their whole class photograph taken on Friday 18th of May.
There is a retirement party for Mrs Chris Coyne at the VP on Monday the 14th of May. It starts at 3PM and Mrs Williams has asked me to mention this as Mrs Coyne has worked at the VP for many years and knows all our children well. We hope you can attend – if you need to pick you children up early from here then that would be fine.
Animation Project |
Posted Friday 04 May 2007 - 09:47:03 |
Some of our Year 6 pupils took part in an animation project at Bodelwyddan Castle - more to follow!
Monday 16th April 2007 |
Posted Friday 20 April 2007 - 09:23:06 |
Welcome back, I hope you have all had a refreshing holiday. A very busy and exciting term lies ahead for us all and I am very much looking forward to the school inspection. I shall be writing to you soon with further details of the process and sending the questionnaires.
We are doing well with the phones. We are nearing 50 which for a school our size is good going – keep badgering people! Please keep collecting those Sainsbury’s vouchers too! We are hosting a book fair all next week at the school. This will run after school and the school receives a percentage of what is sold.
Clubs will begin next week Tuesday 24th April.
We have vacancies for French lessons. If your child is interested I will sending a form to any interested party. The cost is £60 for the term which can be paid weekly.
Some of our Year 6 children will be attending a computer animation course next week and some of our Year 4 pupils are attending a music workshop. Lets hope they have a wonderful time.
School will be closed for all pupils on Thursday 3rd May – not only is it a Training Day but it is also elections and we are a Polling Station.
We are also looking for suggestions for this year’s whole school trip, if you have any ideas please ask the children to relay them to me.
Denbigh High School will be in school Thursday 26th April to sell uniform for Year 6.
Click HERE for your initial school dates.
Please do take a moment to listen to Year 6's work in music on Divali.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007 |
Posted Tuesday 27 March 2007 - 15:03:47 |
Many thanks to all who turned up for the spring fayre. The children had a wonderful time showing off their bonnets, what creativity, and playing the games. Thank you to those who donated the cakes too. All in we raised just about £350 which is fabulous. This was the first fayre I have had to organise, didn’t it show, but a very big thank you to Mrs Bate, Mrs Hetherington, Mrs Jones, Mrs Richardson who all kindly saw to the stalls and provided prizes, and to Mr Mortimer who went to fetch and take back the bouncy castle. Simply, I couldn’t have done it with out that help! We are now planning the summer fayre, so watch this space! If you have any ideas for fund raising please come to the supporters evening which will be on the first week back, Tuesday 17th April at 6PM.
Once again may I ask you to check your child’s hair for head lice. If you do find lice in your child’s hair we would appreciate it if you could treat it immediately.
School closes this Thursday 29th March and the summer term begins Monday 16th April. There is a violin presentation from all the children who are learning the violin on Wednesday 28th March – All are welcome. Good luck to the girls who are representing the school at netball this week too.
After Easter there are two trips. The first is for Year 4 to The Deva Centre in Chester then on to Prestatyn Baths. The cost for this trip will be £10. The second trip is for Year 6 to Rhyl FC to have a tour around the ground and a talk about healthy living. The cost for this trip will be £3.50. I will send permission slips and a reminder letter after the Easter break but wanted to let you know in plenty of time. No money needs to be sent in until after the holiday.
So far we have collected 40 phones, all of which helps the school in the form of smaller gifts. Please continue to send in any old phones and also your Sainsbury’s vouchers.
Thank you all for your support over this term. Have a lovely Easter holiday.
Thursday, 15 March 2007 |
Posted Tuesday 20 March 2007 - 10:28:33 |
A quick note regarding head lice: I have received many phone calls and letters about this problem. It is a problem in all schools, but one that is easily treated. However, treatment can only be successful if all children who have head lice are treated. I would be grateful, if you do find head lice in your child’s hair, that you treat it immediately and let us know at school so we can inform all the parents in the class. Having head lice can prove stressful to the child if left untreated. Your help in this matter is very much appreciated.
We are fortunate to have been granted a premises licence so keep an eye out for film club, which will be starting soon!
Spring Fayre
This year we would like to hold a spring fayre on Friday 23rd March. We are going to hold an Easter bonnet / hat parade at 1:30pm to start things off. Don’t worry; we will do it in school with them on the Friday morning. If you want to gather ideas together and send the materials in for your child to make on the Friday morning I think that would be a great idea. It would be a great help if you did send any materials in, but there will be materials available so that all the children can take part. They will each receive a little prize for taking part. The rest of the afternoon we will have a pick a card stall, a cake stall (could we please have donations of cakes please as I know some of you are wonderful cake makers), a bouncy castle and the children will be doing their sponsored egg hunt. Obviously this is a social fund raising event and it would be great if you could all attend. We will send the sponsor forms early next week but any money won’t have to be in until after Easter. Please try to get as many sponsors as you can!
Remember to keep collecting the Sainsbury’s vouchers and send in any old mobile phones.
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