Newsletter March 2006
Dear Parent/Guardian On behalf of the governors of Ysgol Hiraddug, could I thank those parents who attended the meeting with the school inspection team. Thanks also to those who completed the questionnaire. The inspection takes place on Monday 27th March, Tuesday 28th March and Wednesday 29th March. During the week the inspectors will be observing lessons throughout the school, examining school policies and observing procedures and protocols. The Lay inspector will be also looking at attendance, general behaviour and the day to day running of the school. As the inspection comes around every six years, w e hope to celebrate all the good features about Ysgol Hiraddug so we will be asking the children to create a very good impression by ensuring that they arrive on time, look very smart, work hard and are on their best behaviour. I would be grateful if you reinforce these points with your child each morning. Healthy Living As part of our approach to encouraging the children to have a healthy life style, Year 6 recently visited Rhyl Football Club to study the importance of exercise and healthy eating. Our fruit tuck shop is running very well in the infant department but we need to encourage the juniors to eat more fruit. In discussion with parents is has been suggested that we have a healthy snack day one day each week initially, in which the children bring or purchase fruit rather than crisps, chocolate biscuits or sweets. It has been suggested that a Thursday each week would be an appropriate day to begin, so our first healthy snack day will be on Thursday 16th March. School Sport The school football team have recently played fixtures against some of the larger local schools. The scores were Bryn Hedydd 1, Hiraddug 2 and Penmorfa 3 Hiraddug 0. Well done to all those who took part. Congratulations to Tom Kemp and Matthew Ostanek who represented North Wales in the Indoor Athletics Championships. House matches in football, rugby, hockey and netball will take place during the week beginning 3rd April. Jumping for Health On Friday 9th March we will be holding a sponsored skipping event in support of The British Heart Foundation. Every child will be encouraged to take part and the children have been given forms so that they can collect sponsorship from among family and friends if they wish. World Book Day winners Congratulations to the children who read every night leading up to the World Book Day Celebrations. On book day itself the school was closed due to snow, so the events were held the following day. This meant that several children didn’t have the opportunity to dress up as their favourite characters. We hope to rectify this when we have our next poetry day. The Prize winners were Scarlett Williams (nursery), Abbie Aitchison (reception) Madelin Hammond (Year 1) Katie Aitchison (Year 2) Harrison Cunnah (Year 3) Alex Williams (Year 4) Leighton Thompson (Year 5) and Harry Jones (Year 6) Thanks Thankyou to Mr Kitts for very kindly fitting a carpet in the special needs resources room and to Mrs Lord for donating children’s books to the library. Thanks also to Mrs N. Davies for cataloguing all the books in the junior Library. Due to the support of the Denbighshire library service and fund raising activities we have spend over 2000pounds to upgrade the stock of reference books. Parents Meeting week beginning 3rd April We are planning to hold our parents evenings during the week beginning 3rd April, appointment letters will be sent out shortly. Creative Writing competition As part of our celebrations linked to St David’s day we are holding a creative writing competition for each Years 1 to 6. The children will be asked to write a folk tale/story set in the Dyserth Area. The closing date for the competition is Friday 17th March
Diary Dates [left]Friday 9th March Sponsored skip for the British Heart Foundation
Monday 13th March Year 5 visit to Rhyl Football Club
Wednesday 15th March County Cross Country Championship – (Denbigh High School, 1.30pm)
Tuesday 21st March PTA meeting (7.00pm)
Monday 27th March Beginning of the School Inspection
Thursday 30th March Drama Company in school
Friday 31st March Chocolate Bingo Night and No Uniform Day
Monday 3rd April House matches begin
4th, 5th and 6th April Parents’ Evenings
Friday 7th April Break up for Easter
Monday 24th April Staff Training Day
Tuesday 25th April School re-opens after the Easter break
Friday 28th April Photographer in school