Diolch i bawb a ddaeth i gefnogi Ffair Nadolig yr ysgol.
Thanks to everyone who came to support our Christmas Fair.
Roedd y lle yn llawn bwrlwm, ac roedd pawb i'w gweld yn mwynhau eu hunain, gyda rhywbeth yno at ddant pawb.
The whole school was brimming with people and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, with something there for everybody.
Llongyfarchiadau i'r trefnwyr ac i bawb a gyfrannodd at y noson am eu llwyddiant.
Congratulations to the organisers and to everyone who contributed towards the evening.
Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos!
Welsh speaker of the week!
Llongyfarchiadau i Siaradwyr Cymraeg yr wythnos!
Congratulations to the Welsh Speakers of the week!
Gobeithio bydd mwy o siaradwyr yr wythnos nesaf!
Hopefully there will be more speakers next week!