This school can accommodate a maximum of 168 children and 24 children can be admitted to the reception class each year. Legally a child does not have to attend school until the term after his/her fifth birthday. This school, however, has a policy of admitting children at the beginning of the school year during which they will reach the age of five. This means that children reaching the age of five between the 1st September and the last day of the following August, (inclusive), can be admitted during the early part of the Autumn Term, (September), at the age of 4+.
In the reception class, therefore, some children will be almost five, and some will only just have had their fourth birthday. The range of maturity is very great. You can be assured, however, that our curriculum is very carefully designed around the needs of each, individual child in the reception class as in the school as a whole. Our booklet, "WELCOME TO ARNSIDE" complements this brochure and is intended to give special information and help to all parents of those children who will enter the reception class. Parents are very welcome to visit the school at any time but a phone call to make a specific appointment will mean that a member of staff will be available to show you round and answer your questions.