A wide range of opportunities exists for Baines students to become involved in cultural school visits. In recent years, these have included visits to Belgium, Poland, France, Germany, Japan, India and Nepal. Field visits to the Lake District and the local area, along with theatre and art gallery visits, further enhance cultural opportunities a little closer to home.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme has allowed students, for a number of years, to achieve recognition outside of the classroom environment. Students in Year 12 currently are able to work towards the Silver Award with links in the local community to access the Gold Award.
As a school, we are very active in the music world with an Orchestra, Swing Band, Carnival Band, Percussion Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, String Ensemble, School Choir, Sixth Form Band, a variety of Pop Groups and a Mixed Choir. A music competition is now firmly established and the school has staged a number of successful productions in recent years, involving pupils from throughout the school. The groups are frequently performing in concerts in school and within the Fylde Coast Community. The school also provides peripatetic instrumental lessons for students from Years 7 to13.