| Dover Street, BB9 7RF, UK Nelson +44 (0)1282 615772
Bradley School first opened its door in October 1895 and was the first school to be built by Nelson School Board.
The building has fourteen classrooms, a large hall, library and we have a large playground with shelters. At present we have 380 pupils on roll. Children are placed in single age classes of 28.
We provide a safe and caring school. Visitors often complement us on the good behaviour of the children here. We work very hard to make sure that all our children are happy and feel valued. This happy atmosphere in school allows us to concentrate on making sure that all our children develop socially, academically and emotionally to their full potential.
We value very strongly the partnership between home and school; we welcome the views of parents and carers and hope you will take a keen and active interest in your children’s education.
| Every child at Bradley receives the full statutory curriculum that the school must provide by law. This is based on the National Curriculum for England and Wales.
In addition, the school provides teaching of Religious Education in accordance with the agreed syllabus for Lancashire. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education following a meeting with the Head Teacher.
We seek to provide a rewarding and enjoyable curriculum. We want to develop in all the children of Bradley a love of learning and a sense of achievement. We want your children to succeed and to achieve to their full potential. We believe that learning should be fun.
All parents are encouraged to work closely with school. We have parent’s evenings twice a year, but informal visits to discuss your child’s progress are welcomed. |
| We place great emphasis on the value of first hand experience in children’s learning. The purpose of school visits is to extend work undertaken in the classroom. From time to time we arrange local visits as well as visits further afield. You will be invited to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of a visit. It is not our intention that any child should be excluded form any activity through lack of funds. However, if insufficient money is collected the visit may have to be cancelled for all pupils.
Regarding visits away form school, all parents will be asked for written consent and should complete the permission form, which will be sent home. |
primary schools in Nelson,
secondary schools in Nelson,
schools in Nelson