St James' School is a Church Of England aided school catering for boys and girls 'Rising five' until they transfer to Secondary School at the age of 11 years.
The school is in the Parish of St James' East Crompton and has its own Governing Body.
There are approximately 210 children on roll and there are mixed abilities in each age group.
Church Of England Voluntary Aided Status' means that the school buildings are owned and maintained by the church, 'Aided' in this by the Education Authority. The Governors (the majority appointed by the church) appoint all staff who are paid on the Education Authority scale through designated funding.
The church is responsible for its share in the cost of improvement to existing or new building works, money permitting. The Headteacher, in consultation with the governors, is responsible for the internal organisation, management and discipline of the school. The Education Authority, provide funding for equipment, materials and resources used in and by the school.