Each subject area is led by a Subject Leader who has overall responsibility for that subject within
the curriculum. The departments are grouped into six curriculum teams. The Curriculum Team
Leaders work to ensure the curriculum is well-delivered and remains up-to-date.
In Year 7 pupils are placed initially in mixed ability groups for most subjects but during the
school year they are placed in ability sets for several subjects including English, Mathematics,
Science, Geography, History, Technology and French. When pupils move up into House System
they are taught in groups of their own age that are set according to ability in almost all subjects.
Differentiated work is set to meet the needs of individual pupils, materials for extension,
enrichment and extra support are available.
In Years 7, 8 and 9 all pupils study English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, French,
Design Technology, Information and Communication Technology, Art, Music, Drama, Dance,
Religious Education and Physical Education. In Years 8 and 9 some pupils also study German.
In Years 10 and 11 all pupils study English, some study English Literature with others following a Media
Studies course. Mathematics and Science, Information Technology, Religious Education and Physical
Education. |