Swimming: presently, children in Years 2, 3 and 4 go for lessons at Ashton Leisure Centre. These consist of one session per week for one term.
Sport: every child has the opportunity to participate in games activities. The older children may represent the school in football, netball, rounders, cricket and athletics.
Music: lessons from specialist staff are available for the following instruments: piano, keyboard, guitar, brass, violin and recorder. Some tuition in certain instruments is available from Year 1.
Outdoor Education: Each year, children in Year 6 participate in a one week residential course at Low Bank Ground Outdoor Education Centre, Coniston, Cumbria.
Poetry Writing: children in Year 5 are invited to spend a weekend at Hinning House in the Duddon Valley (Lake District) with members of staff from school and an internationally - known poet.
Music Festival: each year children take part in a combined music festival with other local primary and secondary schools. This takes the form of a joint choir with some schools performing individual items.
Evening of Music and Dance: once a year children from the school are given the opportunity to display their various talents in front of a wide audience of parents and family.French: Year 6 pupils are given an introductory course by a qualified linguist prior to starting secondary education.