Glodwick Infant and Nursery is a large, happy friendly school. It opened in 1975.
It is light and modern.
We have around 310 children in our school aged from three to seven years.
The Children start in Nursery where we have 30 full-time places and 60 part time places.
There are three classes in each age range.
We have a good trained adult : pupil ratio which means that the children are supported in their activities, working in small groups.
We have an ICT suite in each age range in the Infant Department and all of the children have lessons using appropriate, exciting and stimulating software.
The school has excellent resources to aid the children's learning including books, practical mathematics and science equipment, musical instruments, art and craft and construction materials.
We have close links with Alexandra Park Junior School, which is where the majority of our children transfer at the age of seven.