The Key Stage 3 curriculum
Pupils study the full range of subjects in Lower School. These include: English, Mathematics, Science, a Modern Foreign Language (French or German) - pupils who show a high level of ability in languages will go on to study both French and German in years 8 and 9, Design Technology, including Design and Realisation, Graphic Products, Food Technology, Textiles Technology and Electronics, History, Geography, R.E, Information Communications Technology, P.E., Art, Drama, Music and PSHE, including Citizenship.
At Hayward we believe that we go beyond simply fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum. We take great care to develop the potential of every individual child. We consider homework to be part of learning. All learning is enriched by other activities, including trips and membership of clubs, societies and teams.
Moving on from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4
Towards the end of Year 9 all pupils are made aware of the opportunities for study available to them in Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4). They are guided towards the most appropriate courses for them, according to their abilities and interests.
All pupils study courses in English, Mathematics, Science, a Technology and a Modern Foreign Language as required by the National Curriculum. In addition, other courses offered include:
Art & Design, Art 3-D, Art Textiles, Business Studies, CAD/CAM, Drama, French, Geography, German, History, Home Economics - Childcare, Information Systems, Music, P.E. (G.C.S.E.), Statistics and Design Technology, including Resistant Materials, Graphic Products, Food Technology and Textiles Technology.