Key Stage 3
In Years 7, 8 and 9, for most subjects, students are grouped according to their abilities.
In Year 7, students are put into three ability bands. The placing of students into the appropriate bands is based on the Key Stage 2 SATs. In Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 a student might be in different sets for different subjects, according to individual strengths and weaknesses. (Because of their special nature, Arts subjects are taught in mixed ability groups throughout the school.)
Teaching groups are reviewed regularly, and we move students if we feel that they would make better progress in a different group.
The curriculum 11 - 16
Students have 50 one-hour lessons per fortnightly timetable cycle. The table shows the amount of time given to each subject.
In Key Stage 4, all students take a “core” made up of English, Mathematics, Science, (which includes Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth Science), RE, PSHE and PE. The pupil’s timetable is completed by a selection from an extensive options programme which is designed to allow all students to work to their own individual strengths and interests. Almost all students take the equivalent of at least 9 full GCSEs, plus a half-GCSE in RE. |