Some of the Extra Curricular Activities at Highfield are educational like the extra revision classes before exams or tests, one such event is the Easter Revision schools in preparation for Year 11 students who are about to sit their GCSE exams. These are becoming increasingly more popular at Highfield every year, all students are encouraged to attend extra classes in all subjects in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
As well as the schools legendary Year Eight camp which has been a long running tradition at Highfield we also have several trips each year to Foreign Countries including France and Belgium, these are generally arranged by the Modern Foreign Languages Departments to provide pupils with an authentic experience and hands on learning. Last year the school also went to Austria for a weeks skiing organised by the PE Department, such trips are open to most years and are suitable for pupils who have both skied before and for those that have not as full tuition is provided.
We also arrange various weekends away at various outwardbound centres in the UK such as the Eric Wright Trust - Waterpark based on Coniston, this provides an excellent centre for Watersports of various types including Sailing, Kayaking, Raft Building etc. Waterpark it's self is an olds Monks manor house which has it's own chef (not dinner lady) and is well like by both students and staff!