The school's basic philosophy of education is expressed in the school's Mission Statement.
The Governor's aim, having regard to the principles of the National Curriculum and Rochdale's curriculum policy, to provide a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum.
We plan to provide an education which combines the highest educational philosophy of the Catholic Church together with the best principles of recent educational research.
We see the National Curriculum not as the complete curriculum, but as only a part of what should be taught. When we teach the secular curriculum, we seek to teach it in line with the religious and moral principles. Thus, while we believe that the cross-curricular themes (such as Health Education, Economic Awareness, Environmental Issues, Careers Education and Guidance and Education for Citizenship are important, we reject the utilitarian approach to education and seek to teach underlying values and respect for others and for God's creation.
We believe that Catholic Education should provide access to high moral and ethical standards, high academic achievement, and a heightened and sensitive awareness of others, leading to a complete and well-balanced person.
We believe that it is in our vision, our values and our attitudes that our distinctiveness is to be found.