| Henrietta Street, WN7 1LP, UK Leigh +44 (0)1942 671389
We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, in which children are presented with a wide range of challenging assignments, through an approach which seeks to nurture the very best development of each child’s intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and social qualities within a secure, safe and caring school community.
We further aim to instill in children an enjoyment of learning and a love and respect for each other regardless of our personal, social and cultural differences and to make a reality of our school motto: to learn, to love and to enjoy.
| - to enable pupils to develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks and physical challenges,
- to help children to acquire the knowledge, skills, concepts and behaviours necessary for them to develop intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally and spiritually,
- to enable pupils to use language and mathematics effectively,
- to instill respect for religious and moral values, and tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life,
- to foster strong links between home, school, Church and the community to meet the needs of the children,
- to provide a secure environment in which children can develop successful relationships with both adults and peers,
- to ensure that all children regardless of sex, religion or race have equal opportunities within the curriculum,
- to provide opportunities for children to develop an aesthetic awareness.
| Often when we speak about the curriculum of the school we limit ourselves to what is described as The National Curriculum; the core subjects of Information and Communications Technology, Mathematics, English and Science, the foundation subjects of Geography, History, Design and Technology, Art, Physical Education and Music, and also Religious Education.
However, the curriculum of the school here is seen as the complete set of experiences we offer to our pupils and so extends beyond those described within the terms of the National Curriculum and affects the way we group our children, how we design our assignments, how we involve parents and friends into the school community, the arrangements we make for reporting information to parents and quite simply everything else that we undertake. For to be concerned about the development of the whole child is to be concerned about their moral, spiritual and social development as well as their academic and physical development.
Obviously, we consider the delivery of the National Curriculum to be extremely important and have carefully planned a set of experiences which we believe will effectively deliver the National Curriculum to all our pupils at the appropriate level.
| Our school curriculum, the complete package of experiences we offer our pupils, extends beyond the boundaries of the school campus and the limitations of the school day. Lunchtime and after school clubs include Choir, Library, Keep Fit, Chess, Soccer Academy, Netball, Athletics and other sports.
Through the Wigan LEA Music Service we are able to offer to pupils the opportunity to join one of our instrumental tuition groups which meet during lunchtimes or after school. Children are able to join groups learning the keyboard, violin and guitar. The cost is approximately £3.75 per. session booked in blocks of ten.
During the year children from the Y5 and Y6 age-groups are offered the opportunity to join a course at one of the LEA’s Outdoor Education Centres in the Lake District. The five-day courses enable children to take part in a wide range of outdoor pursuit activities including orienteering, rock scrambling and mountain bike riding. We are fortunate in having a small fund of money from the Leigh Children’s Holiday Fund to subsidise the cost for those parents who are not able to pay the full amount but would still wish their children to be considered for inclusion in the groups visiting the centres.
primary schools in Leigh,
secondary schools in Leigh,
schools in Leigh