- Imagine A stimulating place ringing with the sound of children's laughter.
- See confident ,reflective and playful learners, filled with their own sense of purpose and self-belief. Watch as they enjoy the challenge of new experiences, pose questions and solve problems. Listen in, as they discuss the skills they are using and plan what they need to do next.
- Admire the high levels of academic, sporting and artistic achievement, as everyone strives to be the best that they can. Notice how the needs, interests and talents of all, are valued and supported. Join us, in celebrating success at every level, as all learners discover and develop their own passions, potential and individuality.
- Prepare to take some risks as you take part in the creative breadth of exciting curriculum experiences. Hear the buss of enthusiastic talk, generated by people of all ages learning from each other. See how learning extends beyond the school gates, to embrace the outdoor and wider community. Acknowledge, in particular , how learners draw appropriately on abundant ICT to enhance their achievements.
- Enjoy the security and the harmony of a group of people who nurture and care for each other. Sense their respect for people from different backgrounds and cultures, for society and for the natural world.
- Notice the exemplary behaviour, as learners assume responsibility for making choices and consider how their actions affect others. Watch as they are empowered to rise to any challenges in the future.
- Sense everyone's pride in themselves, each other and their school.