| St Leonard`s Road East, FY8 2HQ, UK Lytham St Annes +44 (0)1253 723465
At Mayfield Primary School we are all equally valued within a caring, happy and safe environment, and are encouraged and challenged to achieve our full potential.
Mayfield's dedicated and enthusiastic staff will ensure that your child achieves as highly as possible in all areas of the curriculum.
At Mayfield, we offer a wide range of extra curricular activities including a residential experience for the children in year 6.
| At Mayfield Primary School we aim to provide the highest possible standards for our children by:
- Providing a broad, balanced, relevant, creative and enjoyable curriculum for all so that each child can progress towards his/her full potential, regardless of age, cultural background, disability, gender, race or religious belief.
- Respecting that parents and carers are the prime educators of children through fostering close partnerships between home and school.
- Providing a safe, challenging and stimulating environment to foster individual creativity and to ensure that learning is fun for everyone.
- Encouraging the development of self confidence in everyone in our school community, both within and outside the local community.
- Encouraging the development of mutual respect through fostering positive relationships with understanding and celebration of social, cultural and religious diversity.
- Developing the social and emotional aspects of learning in order to develop and promote good behaviour in school, in the community and for the future.
- Assisting our children to identify and develop personal skills and interests to enable them to have a positive approach to leisure and social time, both in and out of school, and for the future.
- Regularly monitoring our achievements not only to strive for continual improvement in standards, but to ensure the delivery of an up to date creative curriculum accessible to all.
- Working in partnership with the local community and industry to deepen an understanding of the wider world.
| Mayfield Primary School is situated on a large site and has many facilities and resources. The School comprises two buildings. The main Entrance, Staffroomand Administration Areas can be found in the Infant Building.
Each building has its own Hall which is used for assemblies, P.E. and large group activities. The School Kitchen is situated in the Junior Building and consequently the Junior Hall is also used for School dinners.
The School is fortunate to have large play areas and a very large School field. The Infants and Juniors have separate play areas.
| The National Curriculum is a framework used by all maintained schools to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent.
It sets out:
- the subjects taught
- the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject
- standards or attainment targets in each subject - teachers can use these to measure your child's progress and plan the next steps in their learning
- how your child's progress is assessed and reported
Within the framework of the National Curriculum, schools are free to plan and organise teaching and learning in the way that best meets the needs of their pupils.
Many schools use the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) Schemes of Work to plan their curriculum. These help to translate the National Curriculum’s objectives into teaching and learning activities.
The National Curriculum is organised into blocks of years called 'key stages'.
| Mayfield School prides itself on the wide variety of extra curricular activities that we offer to the children. These include clubs before school, at lunchtime and after school, as well as a residential activity experience for Year 6.
A variety of activities are organised by the staff. These may change from year to year and may be available at different times of the year.
primary schools in Lytham St Annes,
secondary schools in Lytham St Annes,
schools in Lytham St Annes