The curriculum at Norden High School & Sports College is designed to provide all pupils with a broad and balanced education relevant to their current and future needs.
The National Curriculum core and foundation subjects at Key Stage 3 taught at Norden are: English, mathematics, science, technology, history, geography, art, music, French or Spanish, and physical education. Religious education is also taught to pupils at Key Stage 3 and together with our PSHE (personal, social and health education) programme, provides social, moral, careers, citizenship, health and sex education appropriate to the age of the pupil. Throughout Key Stage 3 pupils are in mixed ability groups for most subjects but are placed in ability groups in English and mathematics.
At Key Stage 4 all pupils study the following core subjects: English language, English literature, mathematics, science (double award), physical education, religious education, PSHE (including citizenship) and ICT (information & communications technology). In addition, pupils follow a course of study in three optional subjects from the following: art, child development, geography, history, music, religious education, French or Spanish, food technology, graphic products, resistant materials and textiles. All courses at Key Stage 4 are studied to GCSE or the equivalent level, with the exception of RE. A range of vocational courses at a local college is also available and provision is regularly reviewed within the curriculum to ensure that the needs of all pupils are being met.