The curriculum is organised so that each year has a theme to the projects presented to pupils. In year seven pupils complete work based around the human form. Pupils learn how to draw a portrait and then, having studied the elements of expressionism, proceed on to produce a painting. Following on from these projects pupils study African mask designs and learn how to create simple prints on fabric.
In year eight pupils have the opportunity to work with other media under the theme of Natural forms. In this year pupils are introduced to ceramics, batik and also illustrate a poem as part of a graphics project. If pupils opt to take Art as a GCSE in year nine, they address the theme of ‘man made’ and they will study aspects of architecture and mechanical forms. In year 10 pupils begin two projects: one on natural form and one on graphics. They also have an exam project. These projects are detailed and more individual and usually extend into Year 11. External examination for Year 11 starts at the beginning of February and is usually completed by the end of April.