Low Hall C.P. School is a one form entry Primary school with a Nursery
unit attached. We have an annual intake in Reception class of thirty,
whilst our Nursery unit can accommodate sixty part time pupils in
morning and afternoon sessions.
To provide a broad and balanced education appropriate to the needs
of each individual child in accordance with the national curriculum
requirements and Wigan's entitlement curriculum.
To create a happy and secure environment in which each child is able
to develop to his / her best ability.
To encourage children to make decisions, gain independence and
develop a personal responsibility towards their own learning.
To encourage children to develop a caring sensitive awareness towards
each other and the world around them.
To encourage children to develop personal and collective responsibility
for their actions and attitudes.
The content of what is taught at Low Hall is set out in the National
Curriculum and Wigan's own document of curriculum entitlement.
We deliver a balanced range of activities in the following areas: