| Bamber Bridge, PR5 6AQ, UK Preston +44 (0)1772 334832
Progress School is an independent residential special school. We provide a 52 week service to children and young people aged 7 to 19 whose severe learning difficulties are compounded by autism and extreme challenging behaviour. In addition, most pupils have significant communication difficulties.
Our pupils live in small groups in high quality housing in the community south of Preston. High staffing ratios are maintained to meet the complex needs of the pupils within this service model. Pupils attend our day school and access community facilities as part of their regular timetable, with additional activities enriching the school day as part of our residential curriculum.
| - To provide specialist support and individualised programmes for pupils with autism, assessing the impact of the triad of impairment and sensory issues on their day-to-day life.
- To analyse the impact of each student's range of difficulties, devising programmes to address individual needs
- To identify and provide individual communication systems to ensure effective communication skills are developed and integrated across all environments.
- To provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum including the National Curriculum, tailored to the individual needs and abilities of pupils, enabling them to develop their full potential in preparation for adult life.
- To provide individual education and care programmes which are delivered consistently, monitored thoroughly and reviewed regularly.
- To work collaboratively with medical professionals to identify any physiological or neurological factors which may exacerbate challenging behaviour and to seek appropriate treatments.
- To provide safe, caring and supportive environments where learning and living are enjoyable experiences and pupils can develop spiritually, socially, morally and culturally as individuals.
- To develop pupils' life skills and experiences which improve independence, self-esteem and confidence.
- To foster mutual respect and enable pupils to make a positive contribution within the school and the community.
- To work collaboratively with parents and other agencies, and promote continuing contact between pupils and significant others.
- To enable pupils to achieve in relation to the five outcomes of 'Every Child Matters'
- Staying Safe
- Being Healthy
- Enjoying and Achieving
- Making a Contribution
- chieving Economic Well-being
| The school is registered and approved by the Department for Education and Skills.
Pupils have individual education programmes tailored to meet their unique learning styles and levels of attainment. Teaching environments are designed to provide appropriate learning contexts according to the abilities of the pupils.
A ratio of one teacher to four pupils is maintained to provide a high level of individual teaching for all pupils. All teachers have specialist qualifications and experience in special education.
primary schools in Preston,
secondary schools in Preston,
schools in Preston