Beechen Cliff School Welcomes You
At Beechen Cliff we offer a great deal more than quality teaching and exceptional results from our boys and Sixth Form students. The extra curricular activities offered are unsurpassed in the state sector and our pupils have access to the highest quality sport, outdoor pursuits, Duke of Edinburgh programme, Combined Cadet Force, shooting, fencing, music, debating, public speaking, drama, media and so much more. It is our absolute commitment to developing young men who have the confidence, leadership capability and determination, as well as a strong academic grounding that has led to so many of our boys going on to future success. Our overall objective is to provide the best possible education for each pupil, to prepare each pupil for adulthood and to set the highest possible standards in all areas of School life: academic, sporting and beyond. The ethos of the School is established through an atmosphere which is well disciplined, calm, happy and scholarly. I very much hope that you are able to visit us in order that you can understand how this pride and determination manifests itself in our day to day work.
Andrew Davies Headmaster
Please click on our thumbnails to view
At Beechen Cliff our mission is ‘to provide the best education for each pupil, to prepare each pupil effectively for adulthood and to achieve the highest standards in all areas of School life’.
Healthy Eating
There have been some exciting aesthetic improvements to the canteen this summer. We are confident these enhancements will make dining a more pleasurable experience. We will be open for breakfast, break times as well as an extended lunch service. |
We will be open for breakfast, break times as well as an extended lunch service. Please take the time to view our menus and range of sandwiches, paninis, pasta pots and wraps. |
Bistro at the 6th form......
The Bistro is a new venture. It has been designed in a "coffee shop" style and is intended as both a meeting a place and a quiet relaxing environment.
There will be the opportunity to purchase freshly brewed espresso, cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate and various teas and a selection of scrumptious homemade accompliments. |