About Fosse Way
Fosse Way is a special school for children and young people with a very broad range of abilities. The school is co-educational and takes in children between the ages of 3 - 19. All our pupils, for a variety of reasons, find it difficult to be successful within mainstream schools as full-time pupils. All students have a Statement of Special Educational Needs.
Fosse Way caters for students with complex, severe and profound learning difficulties including autistic spectrum disorders. Pupils may have communication difficulties, sensory impairment and physical disabilities. The school offers specialist provision for male and female students with autistic spectrum disorders and has 12 residential places available for pupils who need an extended educational programme within a consistent and structured environment. For access reasons the residential provision is unsuitable for students who are wheelchair users. From September 2006 up to six students with ASD will be able to attend Norton Hill Comprehensive School supported by Fosse Way Staff.
The Curriculum
All pupils at Fosse Way have access to a broad and balanced curriculum
- The curriculum consists of:
The National Curriculum, differentiated to meet the needs of individual pupils
- Personal, Social, Health and Moral Education, including Citizenship, Childcare and Careers Education
- Religious Education
All pupils at Fosse Way follow Nationally Accredited Courses.
Students at Key Stage 4 and Post 16 follow a combination of the following courses:
- GCSE Art, Design Technology, English, Maths, Science
- Entry Level in Maths, English, Science, Food Technology, French, Design Technology, ICT and Physical Education
- Asdan Bronze and Silver Youth Award Scheme
- Accreditation for Life and Living
- National Skills Profile
- Certificate of Personal Effectiveness
- Towards Independence
- Entry Level BTEC - Skills for Working Life
- Entry Level BTEC - Life Skills
The detailed Schemes of Work that we follow at Fosse Way are available here.
For a more detailed curriculum overview that your child will be following this year please click here
The School also has to produce and implement a rolling School Development Plan that is monitored by the Governors.