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Marksbury C E Primary School
Marksbury, BA2 9HS, UK Bath
+44 (0)1761 470628
Educating a Generation to Succeed

The school is divided into three/four classes. As numbers in classes vary annually, we sometimes change the combination of year groups taught together. See the appendix for class divisions in the year applicable to your child entering our school Foundation and Key Stage One:
Reception, years 1 and 2
Key Stage 2: Years 3 and 4, Years 5 and 6
We have a standard number of 13 pupils in each year. Parents can appeal to B&NES for a place if the year group is full. The school will give you advice and support on how to make an appeal.
Children normally start in the September after they are four. Children transfer to secondary education at the end of the year in which they are eleven. Most of our children go to Wellsway School.

The School Day:

The school day starts promptly at 8.55 and finishes at 3.15. Children have a break in the middle of the morning when they can eat fruit brought from home. Key Stage One children have a break in the afternoon.

School meals are provided each day at current LEA prices. Dinner money can either be paid in advance weekly each Monday or half termly. The money should be brought in a named envelope. Provision is also made for children who bring packed lunches.

It is very important that your child attends school as often as possible. Try not to have long weekend breaks and holidays during term time as children miss so much when they are absent. If your child is not coming to school you must inform us by 9.30 a.m

The Curriculum

Early Years

Learning in Reception is structured around the Early Learning Goals. These Early Learning Goals provide an excellent foundation for Key Stage One of the National Curriculum which commences at the start of Year One.

As children start school our aim is to provide an atmosphere where pupils will feel confident, valued and secure. The Key Stage One classroom provides a stimulating and well resourced learning environment, where children participate in activities which develop their intellectual, physical, social and emotional abilities.

Learning in Reception is structured around the Early Learning Goals. These Early Learning Goals provide and excellent foundation for Key Stage One of the Nationa Curriculum which commences at the start of Year One.


Each class has a daily Literacy session. We encourage children to listen and speak in a variety of situations. We want them to be as confident in expressing opinions, taking part in informed discussions and speaking in public as they are talking with their friends and family. Children are encouraged to read as much as possible for a variety of purposes. Children take their reading book home daily to read to parents.

We believe that writing is an essential skill and should be taught from an early age. Children are taught the skills they need for writing, such as spelling, grammar and punctuation throughout the school.


Numeracy is an essential skill. Each class has a daily numeracy lesson. We follow the National Numeracy Strategy. We concentrate on mental maths and group work. Children learn the key concepts in mathematics in number, algebra, measurement, space, shape, data handling and probability.


We follow the scheme of work provided by the Department of Education (DfES) for science. We aim to develop the children's knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes and skills and relate these to every day experiences.

Information Communication Technology

Computers now form an integral part of our everyday life at school. Each classroom has three multimedia computers with access to the Internet. We use the Df

ES scheme of work to teach the children ICT skills. The computers are also used in many other curriculum areas. This ensures that ICT is seen as a tool for learning and communication.


We aim to stimulate the childrens' interest in their surroundings and in the variety of human and physical conditions on the Earthís surface. We also help the children to develop an informed concern about the quality of the environment; we encourage children to take some responsibility for the care of the Earth and its people. We use the DfES scheme of work for teaching geography throughout the school.

School visits are often related to History and Geography


We use the DfES scheme of work for teaching history. We aim to introduce children to what is involved in understanding and interpreting the past. In Key Stage 1 children begin by looking at history they can see in the world around them. Using first hand sources (such as a willing grandparent) they will begin to form concepts of chronology and take an interest in by gone days. They also find out about important events and the lives of famous people. Older children study a variety of topics in British, foreign and ancient history.

Religious Education

Religious education is taught through the Awareness, Mystery and Value syllabus. As a Church of England School, we aim to give the children an understanding of the beliefs of the Christian faith and an awareness of other religions and their teaching.

Collective Worship

Every pupil participates in daily collective worship. The local Reverend, Jan Knott, takes an assembly fortnightly and we welcome other visitors from the Church community to participate in our assemblies.

Parents may ask to withdraw their children from collective worship and RE lessons.

Art and Design

The children start to explore art through the painting and drawing of familiar people and places. As children progress through the school the emphasis is on developing artistic skills using a range of different media.

Alongside this we introduce knowledge and understanding of art from different cultures and throughout time.

Design Technology

We teach the children the basic principles underpinning Design Technology. Challenging practical tasks require the children to combine the knowledge gained with their developing design and making skills. Final products of these designs include moving toys, meals, picture frames, masks and meals.


We use the Nelson scheme of work to teach music throughout the school. The school has a choir and children have the opportunity to learn the recorder. We currently have guitar and brass tuition in school.

Physical Education

The PE curriculum is made up of games, gymnastics, dance and swimming. We aim to help children understand why fitness is important for their health.

The school is well resourced and has a good variety of large and small apparatus. During the autumn and summer terms children in years 2 to 6 use the sports facilities at Bath Spa University College.

We visit Keynsham Leisure Centre most weeks throughout the year, on a Wednesday morning, for swimming instruction supervised by a qualified A.S.A instructor. This is a school activity in which all children participate. A voluntary contribution per child per half term is requested towards the cost.

Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship

Personal, social and health education ( PSHE ) & Citizenship plays an important part in the curriculum throughout the school. Sex and drug education is introduced through topics such as "our bodies"or "ourselves". Parents may request to see our policies for sex and drug education if they wish. Parents have the right to withdraw children from PSHE lessons dealing with sex education.

Our aims for pupils:

  • become independent thinkers and learners
  • have high self-esteem and learn to care for themselves, others and their world
  • become good, kind, honest citizens
  • aim for excellence in literacy and numeracy
  • reach their potential in all other areas of the curriculum
  • are encouraged how to learn, especially with developing or new technologies
  • understand the meaning and significance of faith within the context of Christian belief and practice

We believe that each child will succeed through experiencing:

  • high quality teaching and learning
  • learning partnerships between school, home and the community
  • a broad and balanced curriculum
  • an ethos of support, challenge and encouragement to succeed
  • an enriching programme of extra-curricular activities and visits
  • a stimulating learning environment
  • a rich, varied and up to date range of learning resources

primary schools in Bath, secondary schools in Bath, schools in Bath

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