Newbridge Primary School
What sort of school is Newbridge Primary School? The school has recently been amalgamated from Newbridge St. John's Infant and Newbridge Junior schools. On our first Inset day as a Primary School, this is how staff and governors developed a vision for the sort of school we want to work in and the sort of school we believe our children deserve.
Newbridge Primary School is a learning place with strong community links and where every child matters. It is a school where:
- Children and adults feel happy, secure, loved and valued enough to give of their best;
- Children have a sense of their own worth and dignity and know they can make a contribution to school life and learning;
- Children and adults show respect for each other and their environment;
- Children learn how to learn and are equipped for life-long learning; The mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, moral and social growth of each child is encouraged and developed to full potential;
- Success is a frequent experience;
- There is a sense of fun and play.
How we achieve all this is through the provision we make in the school in our academic and social curriculum; in our extra curricular activities and through our partnership with parents and carers and community. This is planned and monitored through our School Development Plan.
Newbridge Primary School Organisation of School
The buildings and site
At the start of the 06/07 academic year the infant and junior schools have become one Primary school organised in the following way:
- The 470 pupils are organised into 17 classes: 7 Infant and 10 junior.
- The infant children reception (called Foundation stage) year 1 and year 2 (called Key Stage One); are housed in the former infant school building. The grounds are well laid out and secure. Changes to fencing will include a secure outdoor play/learning area for the reception classes.
- The junior pupils; years 3,4,5 and 6 (also called Key Stage Two) are housed in the former junior school which includes some ageing mobile classrooms which are less and less fit for purpose.
The site is presently a thoroughfare for public walking between Newbridge Rd. and Charmouth Rd. The LA has agreed plans to secure the site and work to do this will start in October 2006. The top/uphill part of the site is a large field which is used for games and sport. Behind the junior building is a tiered succession of play areas which afford space for ball games or more quiet activities.
Main Reception for parents/carers and visitors
Although the buildings are still separate, the Governing Body has plans to link them. The link building may include a new reception area and offices. Parents will be kept informed of plans as they progress.
Main School Reception is presently situated at the front of the former junior building and this is the first point of call for parents and visitors. There will be a receptionist or other member of our admin team to help you in school hours. There is no Reception office at the Infant building but secretarial and support staff have quick and effective communication between buildings through out new phone network. Electronic control from the Main Reception of gates and doors is planned and scheduled.
Pupil/teaching organisation
The admission number for the school from September 06 is 60 pupils. Because we have moved from an admission number of 80 it will be September 2011 before there are two forms in each year group and therefore14 classes. The extra 3 classes we have presently are housed in the Mobile classrooms but with some re-organisation resulting from the building of the link it may be possible to move pupils into proper classrooms before 2011.
Currently there is only one mixed age class in the school and that is a Year1/2 class. Ideally we aim for no mixed classes, but this is not always possible as we move current numbers through.
A place for Special Educational Needs
Currently a newer mobile classroom (Room 14) provides a base for our Special Needs co-ordinator, Mrs. Alison Bartlett, and her teaching groups.
Leadership/management and staffing
Mr. John Croker took up post as Headteacher in January 07. The organisation of teaching staff is: One Headteacher, as described; Deputy Head with a minimal classroom commitment; four phase leaders, experienced teachers who have management responsibility for the teaching and learning in four phases (Foundation stage; key stage one; lower key stage two - years 3 and 4 and upper key stage two years 5 and 6). The teachers are ably supported by experienced Teaching Assistants who support teaching, learning and classroom organisation.
The smooth running of the school management and finance is staffed by an Admin team of three led by Mrs. Cherry Hill (PA to Head/Finance); Mrs. Tracey Lynch (Finance) and Mrs. Donna Miles our receptionist and first port-of-call for all.
Lunch breaks are staffed by a team of SMSAs (School Meals Supervisory Assistants) who organise and care for pupils through the lunch break on both infant and junior sites.
We are fortunate to have a crossing Patrol on Newbridge Road. Our Lollipop Man is Mr. Terry Cross, previously (30 years) caretaker for the junior school.
Our new caretaker is Mr. David Courtney who has taken over the mammoth task of caring for both buildings and the entire site.
Meals are currently cooked on each site by B&NES catering staff. In the future it is envisaged that there will be one kitchen.
Extra Staff
Teachers planning and preparation time is covered presently by a team of experienced teachers. A group of peripatetic teachers delivers music lessons and the school buys in the services of other professionals to support teaching, learning and Special Needs (Educational Psychology, Behaviour Support, Speech and Language therapists). We are also fortunate to have a school nurse.
School Association
All parents are automatically members of the association. Parents meet to plan support for the school in many practical ways including social events. This support is most highly valued for it strengthens the links between parents and teachers as partners in the learning process of children.
Community Links
There are links with Health, Social Services, local sporting associations, churches and the community policeman. Through other schools we have a technology link and sports support. Local shops and businesses support our school and the children in turn become aware of their place in the local community. They support local, national and international charities. Through our PHSE curriculum (Personal, Health & Social Education) pupils become aware of their place as citizens in an increasingly global community.
Newbridge Primary School The Curriculum
School is a learning place and we aim to give the pupils at Newbridge the best start to their lifelong learning journey.
National test results at the end of key stage one and two are very good and above the national average. The basic skills of numeracy and literacy are taught effectively and imaginatively. Each child is entitled to acquire the basic skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing and numeracy. At Newbridge, the basic National Curriculum is enriched by experienced teachers using a range of teaching and learning strategies backed up by good resources including ICT. Drama, art, school visits and strong links with Oldfield Girls� Sports Academy mean that pupils have many opportunities to excel in all areas of learning and development. Modern foreign languages are an acknowledged strength of the school.
Teachers professional development is ensured through regular inset and training.
Special Educational Needs
Some pupils need extra support in their learning and development and we are developing and refining the support we offer to our most needy pupils and to their parents. Support is provided through early identification of needs and swift intervention through small-group or one-to-one support. Our aim is to help each child access the curriculum as best s/he can and fulfil their full potential. We are in turn supported by specialists from the Local Authority. Please ask for our Special Needs leaflet if you feel your child needs extra support at school. Mrs. Alison Bartlett is our Special Needs Co-ordinator.
Newbridge Primary School - Extra-curricular Activities
In school time
Peripatetic instrument teaching is undertaken by teachers from the Music service. Currently this is available for junior aged pupils and organised by our Music Leader, Jane Amies, with help from Admin team. Strings, woodwind and brass lessons are currently taught.
Some sports coaching by specialists is included in the PE curriculum and every child will have two hours of games/sport each week.
Clubs run by teachers are available in lunch hours and after school and these vary according to the current interests and passions of the teaching staff. There is a choir, drama, and several sports clubs such as football, cricket and tennis at infant and junior level. Clubs run throughout year and may change from term to term. Parents will always be given notice of what is available.
Some sports clubs are organised and run by qualified professional coaches.
Educational trips
Trips which enrich the curriculum are planned during the year for pupils at all stages. This may include music/theatre trips, trips to places of interest. A residential trip is currently available for older pupils. Parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution to the funding of these trips.
We are currently reviewing this. There has been a House system in the juniors for many years but not in the infants.
Pupil Council
The pupil's voice is valued in the running of the school and to encourage pupils to become responsible for having a say in the things that affect them. Each class chooses a school councillor for the year which meets regularly with the Head and a member of the teaching staff.
The School Day at Newbridge Primary School
Timing of the school day
Start Infant pupils 8:50 a.m. Through Infant gate to classes Junior pupils 8:55 a.m. Line-up in playground, staff lead to class
Lunch time Infants 11:50 to 1:10 p.m. Juniors 12:15 to 1:15 p.m.
Day end All 3:15 p.m.
Juniors and infants also have a 15 minute morning break.
For infants an afternoon break is sometimes needed and is at the discretion of teaching staff.
Monday: 10:20 - Junior and Infant assemblies; separate/whole school when possible Tuesday: 10:20 - Everybody singing assemblies infant/juniors Wednesday: individual class assemblies Thursday: Combined assemblies (Some junior classes to infants/vice-versa) Friday: p.m. Celebration Assemblies Juniors/ Infants separately
Staff will arrange visits to assembly of visitors including community guests such as Church leaders, school nurse, Community police, etc.
Swimming and PE
Each class is timetabled for PE. Swimming is done for a year in the summer term of Year 3 to spring in year 4. Teachers will let children know which day they need PE/swimming kit.
The Newbridge Primary School Uniform
School Code of Dress
There is an expectation that on accepting a place at the school, parents will follow the dress code set out below.
School Clothes will be based on school colours: red, grey and white |
Tops |
Sweatshirts, cardigans, jumper, polo/T shirts |
Red, grey, white |
Lower Half (Boys) |
Trousers, shorts, tracksuit bottoms |
Plain dark colours (e.g. black, navy or grey) |
Lower Half (Girls) |
Skirt, trousers, leggings, shorts |
Plain dark colours (e.g. black, navy or grey) |
Summer Wear |
As above or skirt/dress in school colours |
Physical Education |
Suitably fitting T shirt/vest Sports shorts or leotards |
White, red, grey Dark colours/white |
School sweatshirts are recommended for outdoor wear. |
School clothing can be purchased from Scholars, Orange Grove, Bath and Bath Embroidery Services, Chelsea Road, Bath.
There is no insurance cover against theft or damage to personal possessions; therefore, children should not bring valuable personal possessions, including toys, into school unless they are specifically asked to do so by their class teacher.
Although we do not prohibit jewellery it is not recommended. All rings or earrings (with the exception of studs) will have to be removed for health/safety reasons, for swimming, P.E. and games. The safety for such items will be the responsibility of the children concerned. Cosmetics (e.g. nail varnish) should not be worn in school.
Lost Property
Unclaimed lost property is disposed of at the end of the term following the term in which it is handed in. Such a time limit is imposed as an overwhelming amount of property is not named and is never claimed. Again, please mark your child's clothes with his/her name. Watches and similar items, which are less of a problem, are kept for one year before disposal.
Newbridge School - Breaks, Meals and Snacks
Breakfast Club
This is offered at the cost of Ł1:70 on Wednesday mornings.
We hope to extend this facility to all days of the week once there is sufficient interest.
Break time
We ask parents to send children with fruit or other healthy snack. In the lower school, milk is free to children under five years and all Infant pupils receive free fruit.
School Lunch
Excellent meals are provided each day. They are prepared on the premises according to the healthy living guidelines of the B&NES Catering Service. The children have a choice of main courses and sweets and special arrangements are made for children with specific dietary requirements. For those children who decide to have a packed lunch at mid-day, facilities are provided. Packed lunch children are required to bring their own plastic beaker daily. Hot drinks and canned or 'fizzy' drinks must not be brought to school. Dinner money must always be paid in advance, either on the first day of each week or half termly/termly.
For details about Free Meal entitlement, please phone (01225) 394319 between 1 & 4pm.
After School Club
This is run by the YMCA from 3:30 until 6:00 p.m. Phone number and further details obtainable through school Reception.
School Governors
The governors of the interim governing body play an important part in the life of the school, meeting regularly to decide policies of overall management and development. The interim body will soon be replaced by the new Governing body for the Primary school.
We have three working committees:
- Finance and Personnel
- Learning and Teaching
- Buildings and Lettings
The committees carry out the work needed in these areas and report back to the full governing body at least three times a year. All governors are linked to a specific curriculum area and regularly visit the school to monitor progress.
The work of the governors has increased tremendously in recent years. We do, however, try to keep you informed, especially through our Annual Report to Parents.
Newbridge Primary has 16 governors, including three who are elected by the parents. Governors serve for a period of four years. After this period, parent governors may stand for re-election if they still have children at the school. |