School Information
Our School profile has now been published online. The Profile replaces the school prospectus and the Annual Governor`s Report to Parents. It provides information on the school`s academic attainment, attendance figures, the range of activities on offer throughout the school, our successes and those areas of school life that we are trying to improve. Click Here to link to the profile (external link).
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St Mary`s PTFA
Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
The Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) aims to develop the social life of the school, It organises the school Summer Fayre which draws many visitors from the local community as well as parents, children and teachers from the school. It also organises many other social events where parents, teachers and others can enjoy themselves together. The PTFA raises money which is used to improve the opportunities the school can offer pupils. In 2005-06 the PTFA organised a magnificent auction of promises in November which raised Ł8000 towards to cost of the school's new wildlife garden.
Here are some of the events the PTFA have organised in recent years:
PTFA Personnel
The PTFA Committee was formed at the meeting in Spring 2007.They are:
- Chairman/ Vice Chairman: (shared role) Jackie O'Regan, Angela White, Maria Bez, Cathy Bickley and Ann-Marie Carey
- Treasurer: Mary Wisker
The current class representatives are:
- Year R: Sylvie Dorman and Georgina Robb
- Year 1: Sian Milnes and Caroline Moore
- Year 2: Cathy Bickley and Maria Bez
- Year 3: Elisha Mayhew and Ann-Marie Carey
- Year 4: Jackie O'Regan
- Year 5: volunteers needed
- Year 5: Mary Chandler
Join Us!
Everyone is welcome to contribute to our PTFA and help build the community life of the school. If you are a parent you are automatically a member. If you would like to get involved in any way, write to the PTFA, care of the School, or Click Here, send a message and we will pass it on.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
St Mary's pupils have many opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities. A variety of clubs, sporting and non-sporting, exist, and pupils and staff devote many hours during lunchtime and after school to a wide range of pursuits. This page is a brief overview of the clubs that exist. For more details of some of the clubs' activities, click on the links below.
Sports Clubs: All Sports * Football * Tag Rugby * Netball * Cricket * Hockey * Basketball * Tennis
Music Clubs: All * Brass Band * Violin Group * Choir * Orchestra * Recorder Group
Other Clubs: All * Drama Club * French Club * Chess Club
Sports Highlights: 2006-07 * 2005-06 * 2004-05 * 2003-04 * 2002-03 * 2001-02 * 2000-01 |