Our Curriculum: The school follows the National Curriculum Core subjects in English, Maths and Science (Including the National Strategies for Literacy and Numeracy) and the Foundation subjects of Art, Geography, History, ICT, Music, PE and Design Technology. PSHE is also included in the curriculum.
Religious Education: In addition to the above RE is an important part of the curriculum and given appropriate emphasis for a church school. The Cambridgeshire agreed syllabus is followed.
Special Educational Needs: We aim to identify individuals' special needs at an early stage so that they can be appropriately addressed within the classroom setting.
We recognise that high-ability children also have special needs and attempt to identify and meet these needs in appropriate ways.
Community Association: We encourage strong links between school, home and the village community.
If you require further information you are encouraged to view the policy folder which contains all of the School's policies on the curriculum, please enquire through the School office.
In addition the School Governors have a curriculum committee which continuously reviews performance and policies and welcomes any comments or questions which you can direct through the School office or via the clerk to the Governors.