Welcome to Our School!!!
Brickhill Lower School was awarded its 3rd Basic Skills Quality Mark in December 2005. Few schools have attained 3 Quality Marks and it is part of our ongoing commitment to improve attainment in literacy and numeracy. We are also deemed an 'expert school' for Asessment for Learning and have county 'Healthy Schools' status. In December 2006 we were recognised as providing high quality school sport each week and qualified for 'Activemark 2006' . We are now working towards 'National Healthy Schools Status' and in February 2007 we successfully achieved the 'Healthy Eating' and 'Physical Activity' elements of the award. Brickhill Lower School was a Beacon School from 2001 - 2004 until the government phased out the scheme. We continue to strive to always work to high standards and expectations. Read our Values and Aims section (see Index) and informative Newsletters to get a flavour of our happy, vibrant community. Phone to arrange a visit and we promise you a warm welcome.
Brickhill Lower School is a school for 4 - 9 year old children and is situated in a residential area to the north of Bedford. There is an early years unit and eight other permanent classrooms. A temporary classroom provides welcome additional space for teaching and other activities.
We believe that it is important to provide a happy, safe, positive and purposeful environment for all of our children and staff and to respect and value all members of the school community.
We have high expectations of everyone and work hard to provide challenge and support for all to improve.
Parents, the Governing Body and the wider community are all important to us and we work hard to promote and foster good relationships with them all.
BRICKHILL LOWER SCHOOL was a Beacon School from 2001 - 2004.We are deemed an 'expert school' in Assessment for Learning and still work with other schools, sharing and spreading good practice. Working with other schools also stimulates fresh ideas and allows us to reflect upon and further refine our practice. In December 2005 we achieved our 3rd Basic Skills Quality Mark.
School information and pictures |
This photograph shows the ICT room of our school Children in years 1- 4 have a weekly lesson in this room as well as using computers in their classrooms. All classes in Years 1 - 4 now have interactive whiteboards and projectors installed. This means we can make much better use of ICT across the curriculum. We have also invested in very good quality classroom computers for Years 1 - 4 and increased the number of computers in Year R. |
Children going out to play. Year 1 - 4 have a morning play as well as play at lunch time. There are separate playgrounds for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children. |
Scary Stoats and Weasels! Our KS1 and KS2 Make A Play Days in February were a great success. Each class took part in a workshop (led by a professional theatre director) focusing on a scene from Wind in the Willows. At the end of each day we put the scenes together to perform the whole story - to each other and parents.
Sorting out the Rubbish! In March the Recycling Roadshow came to visit with lots of informative activities to help us understand more about our environment. |
Writing Week 17 - 27 March From Year R to Year 4 the theme was Traditional Tales. We started with a No Pencil Day focusing on speaking and listening skills and ended with a sharing assembly. Here the children show characters from their stories.
An unusual visitor in assembly! Cedric the dragon came to thank us for raising £334.55 for NCH - the children's charity. |
In June Heliwise came to visit. They flew overhead to take aerial photos of the school and our pupils formed the letters BLS. When they landed on our field there was an assembly about flying and then every class had their photo taken with the helicopter and pilot. |