Welcome to Our School!!!
How good the school is:
This is an effective school with many very good and some excellent features. The ethos is warm and caring and the school has an excellent partnership with parents. This leads to very positive attitudes and very good behaviour on the part of the pupils. The overall good quality teaching enables pupils to achieve well above national expectations in many subjects of the curriculum. The headteacher provides very good leadership and is very well supported by the governing body and staff. Finances are used efficiently and the school provides good value for money.
What the school does well:
- Standards in English, Mathematics, and some of the foundation subjects* are well above national expectations by the end of Years 2 and 4.
- Overall, it provides good quality teaching in Years 1 and 2 and the Foundation Stage, which is having a positive impact on standards.
- The headteacher provides very good leadership and the school is well managed.
- The overall good provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral and social development results in their very good behaviour, attitudes and relationships.
- The school values parental contributions highly and has established excellent links with parents and the community.
- The very good provision for pupils with special education needs is enabling many of these pupils to make good progress.
*Subjects other than English, mathematics and science.
Pupils’ Attitudes and Values:
Aspect |
Comment |
Attitudes to the school
Very good. Pupils enjoy coming to school and, as one said, “There is nothing I would change in this school”. Most show enthusiasm and are keen to learn and find out more. Where the pace of the lesson is slow pupils’ concentration fades and they lose interest. |
Behaviour, in and out of classrooms |
Very good. Pupils’ behaviour, including that of the youngest children, is good. Most pupils behave well in lessons, assemblies and around the school. Pupils are polite and respectful to visitors. |
Personal development and relationships
Very good. Pupils’ personal development is good, they have some opportunities to show initiative and take responsibility. Most pupils work and play together in a caring and friendly way. Very good relationships exist between pupils and adults. |
Very good. This is well above the national average and there are no unauthorised absences. The pupils are punctual, which ensures a brisk start to the day.
Most pupils have very good attitudes to learning. They follow established routines well. Pupils have a very good understanding of the impact of their actions upon others and the respect they show for the feelings of others is very good. Relationships at all levels are very good. |
Ofsted Action Plan The recent inspection of the school identified only two main areas for improvement.
1. The development of ICT across the curriculum is a focus common to the majority of current reports. We have found it difficult to plan the way forward because of the need to balance the cost of this initiative against the other curriculum subjects.
2. The development of the Senior Management Team is in its early stages due to changes within the team. When the SMT is in place it should ensure much more effective organisation across the 2 sites.
We have also drawn up a plan for the development of marking across the school. Although this was not a main area for improvement we decided that it would be helpful to have a clear outline for the way forward in this area of our work.
This Action Plan will form the basis for the Inspectors in setting out the issues for our next Inspection.
School Policies
Our Pupils:
Early Years
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Healthy Schools
End of School Year 'Summer 2007' Summary
Saturday Morning Football
Trust Partnership Consultation |