Challney High School for Girls is a school defined and inspired by the principles of Respect, Opportunity and Achievement. We aim to provide high quality education for over nine hundred girls aged 11-16. Luton is a multi-ethnic town of rich diversity and this is reflected in our school community. The multi-ethnic, multi-faith, multi-lingual backgrounds of our students make this a vibrant and exciting learning environment.
This is a good school (OFSTED 2006), having been awarded Beacon Status in 2002 and Specialist Status in 2006. Girls are encouraged to have high aspirations; the vast majority go on to further education or training in local colleges or sixth forms.
Behaviour is good; via the School Council and other means of 'volunteering' girls are encouraged to serve the school and the wider community. Peer mentoring and a paired reading scheme are evidence of the girls' involvement as is the large amount of money raised each year for charitable causes. We have a good record of inclusive learning. The respect we have for each individual ensures we provide appropriate support so that everyone can achieve. Learning is enjoyable, focused and purposeful. Campus Luton now provides the focus for our collaborative work with other schools in the town to ensure appropriate courses are offered and provision is made for all learners.
The focus of our specialism is Science, specifically Science and Health with an emphasis on teaching and learning in Science and Maths. We are energised by the potential to raise standards, to work with the community and to improve the health and fitness of our students and partners. As the acquisition of Specialist Status coincides with the expansion of our vocational provision we have an ideal opportunity to make great improvements to our curriculum and to the opportunities for learning offered to students. We are committed to maintaining breadth and balance as entitlements within the curriculum for all, including those studying for diplomas in future years.
Respect, Opportunity and Achievement are the constants in our every changing situation. It is our aim to provide education of the highest possible quality, enabled by up-to-date and appropriate facilities, supported by the community in which we work and supporting our students, partners and the wider community for the benefit of the young people and adults of today and tomorrow.
Everything you need to know...
Further Information
On July 5th we have an "Intake Day" which means the day on which you first visit Challney High School for Girls. You will get a chance to meet some of the people and look around the building.
New Pupils You will soon be leaving your own school and moving to Challney High School for Girls which is a large comprehensive school. This will mean a lot of changes and new experiences for you, so this book has been planned to help you through the move.You will be given your own copy on your induction day but you can look at this to answer any questions you may have in the mean time.
Home School Agreement We have had a home-school agreement for a number of years now because we firmly believe that pupils will make most progress when parents, teachers and pupils work together. This agreement outlines what we will strive to do and we look forward to working with you for the benefit of the girls in our care. As your daughter begins her time at Challney we hope you will enter into this partnership with us. A copy of this is available for download here.
Our timetable and tutor group structure
Start |
08:40 |
Registration |
08:40-08:50 |
Period 1 |
08:50-09:35 |
Period 2 |
09:35-10:20 |
Period 3 |
10:20-11:05 |
Break |
11:05-11:20 |
Period 4 |
11:20-12:05 |
Period 5 |
12:05-12:50 |
Lunch & Clubs |
12:50-13:45 |
Period 6 |
13:50-14:35 |
Period 7 |
14:35-15:20 |
End & Clubs |
15:20-16:30 |
Tutor Groups Each form group in each year has a form tutor and is identified by a letter. These letters in turn spell the name of the year group. For example Year 7 consists of 7H, 7A, 7R, 7M, 7O, 7N and 7Y which spells out HARMONY. There are seven tutor groups in each year:
Year 7 |
Head of Year |
Miss N Ponsonby |
Year 8 |
Miss T Bakin |
Year 9 |
Miss P Morris |
Year 10 |
Miss E Slater |
Year 11 |
Miss L Dolan |
Challney Girls, a Specialist Science College
Science Newsletters
Catch up with all the latest news from our specialist science department. The termly Newsletters are in PDF form for easy download and on-screen reading.
Autumn 2006
Spring 2007
Summer 2007
Specialist Science School.
We were delighted to be appointed a Specialist Science School from September 2006. Our focus is Science for Health. We will be offering many new opportunities to our students and the wider community with this appointment. We have extended the facilities on offer to our students and have begun a programme of work with our local junior schools and partner secondary schools to allow students to raise their achievements in Science and Maths.
Weather Link
We have our own weather station here at Challney Girls. Information is gathered here on site from our own meteorological equipment and updated every five minutes. Use the link in the navigation menu or click here to view the data. Historical data for last week's weather can be accessed here.