Welcome to Edlesborough School!!!
Edlesborough School is an established village school built on a beautiful historic site in the large village of Edlesborough. It serves the local community, and receives many out of catchment requests.
It is a popular and successful school where parents choose to send their children because they recognise it to be a place where at all levels of ability and talent, attention is given to the needs of the individual, where progress is good and children can learn in a secure and caring environment. It has a dedicated and skilled staff, supported by a keen governing body, interested and involved parents and strong links with the community.
A strong feature of our school is our ethos promoting positive relationships between everyone and having fun whilst we learn. We aim to provide an environment which actively promotes a warm and caring community where all are positively recognised. Children are encouraged to initiate activities such as fund raising and running clubs, and great emphasis is placed on children thinking for themselves and making the ‘right’ decisions. ‘All’ is an important feature of our Ethos recognising the importance of lifelong learning for everyone.
About Us...
Edlesborough School was founded in 1849 by the Countess of Bridgewater. The school originally had just one main room and a gallery, with benches for the children to sit on. The first school master to be appointed was Mr William Waggon Allison (age 22) on a temporary basis in 1858 with a salary of £40 pa. paid by the Ashridge estate. He retired in 1902 with Mr Scott taking over until 1904. Mr Thomas Deeth then became school master until he retired in 1920. Then Mr Balsham for 3 years, followed by Mr William Linnell who served until he retired in 1950. Mrs Guest followed then Miss Brice who married and became Mrs Perkins. Then Mr Terry Long until 1982, followed by Mr Ken Cotton until 1994 and then Miss Janet Hatfield, the present head.
The present school has considerably extended upon that original single room and now comprises a complex of modern classrooms, specialist teaching facilities and well equipped Information Technology Suite.
Today the school has children from the villages of Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall. Many children from other local villages also attend. We believe very strongly in promoting a warm, caring community where all people are valued and recognised. The staff are concerned with both academic standards of achievement and social and behavioural development.
In Buckinghamshire a selective education policy operates, which means that children sit an 11+ test to assess the secondary school most suited to them. After leaving Edlesborough, the majority of children transfer to The Cottesloe School at Wing or one of the three Grammar Schools in Aylesbury. The percentage of children we send to Grammar School is significantly and consistently above the County average.
We extend a warm welcome to parents and children to visit us on any school day. To ensure that we are available, please telephone and make an appointment.
Special arrangements:
The Reception Class teacher visits Edlesborough Playgroup on a regular basis to meet the children who will soon be starting school. These children also visit the school from playgroup on several Thursday mornings to join in classroom activities.
Parents and new children will be invited to attend a welcome meeting near the end of the term before admission. Your child will be invited to join in activities in the Reception Class, while you meet with the Headteacher and the Class teacher. You will be encouraged to ask questions and to raise any concerns you may have.
Children who join Edlesborough School from Dagnall after completing their first two years of education at the village school there, are invited to Edlesborough for a day during the Summer term before they start in September.
The Headteachers of Edlesborough School and Dagnall School meet on a regular basis. In the summer term, the Headteachers invite parents of the Dagnall children to a welcome meeting at Dagnall School, when there is an opportunity to raise any questions or concerns. Parents of the Dagnall children are also invited to visit Edlesborough in groups or on an individual basis as preferred.
For children transferring from other schools, it is often possible to arrange an early visit to ease the transition for them.
In accordance with “Buckinghamshire County Council Education Department Guide for Parents 2006 Entry”:
Admission Number for 2006/2007: 30
Year 3 Admission Number for 2006/2007: 10
Children start Edlesborough School before the Statutory School Age:
For birthdays between 1st September and 31st December, children will be admitted part-time in the Autumn term and full-time in the Spring term.
For birthdays between 1st January and 30th April, children will be admitted part-time in the Autumn term and full-time in the Spring term.
For birthdays between 1st May and 31st August, children will be admitted part-time in the Spring term and full-time in the Summer term.
If there are more preferences for places at a particular school than can be met, places are allocated in accordance with the following criteria:
1. Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs which names Edlesborough School.
2. Children living within the reserved area of the school.
3. Younger brothers and sisters of older children who will still be in attendance at the school on the date of admission. (This will be checked before an offer is made).
4. Children with exceptional medical or social needs, supported by written evidence from doctor, social worker, education welfare officer or other appropriate person.
5. Children with exceptional educational needs, supported by written evidence from an appropriate professional.
6. Once the above criteria have been applied, then further places will be awarded according to the distance between a family’s front door and the school’s nearest entrance gate; closest first.
These criteria are applied to all first preferences, and then all second preferences, followed by third preferences and are listed in order of priority. (In the case of those declaring or changing a preference after the relevant closing dates, this will be considered as a late first preference and will be considered after all first preferences.)
No child will be refused a place because of gender, race, religious belief, academic ability or aptitude.
Term Dates
Travel Plan
Children |