About Us...
Where Are We?
Farley Junior School is situated on North Drift Way close to the roundabout on Whipperley Way on the Farley Hill housing estate in Luton, Bedfordshire
Brief History
The School was officially opened by County Alderman Sir Frederick Mander MA., B.SC., F.E.I.S on Thursday, 1st May, 1952 at 3 p.m.
We enjoyed celebrations in 2002 as it was our Jubilee year (yes the same as the Queens)
The total number of children at present is around 245 pupils in the age range 7 - 11. Classes are kept below 30 wherever possible. However, up to 34 pupils may be on the register of the class. We do not teach mixed year groups together, except when pupils are withdrawn for small group support. We are currently running 8 Classes (2 per year group) with an average of 30 pupils per class. We are very fortunate to have a newly equipped ICT Computer suite with the facilities of 1 computer per pupil (per class) all with access to the Internet via a Broadband link. There is also several computers around the school (classroom based) and Interactive whiteboards for curriculum based lessons within all classrooms. There are 2 superb floodlit Multi use Games areas, ( M.U.G.A ) with changing & shower facilities. We also have a well equipped Design, Art & Technology room, separate Main Hall and Dinner Hall, The Dinner Hall is utilised for gym, Karate and dance lessons when not used for Lunch.
Breakfast Club Art ICT Club Golden Table Gymnastics Dance