About Hazeldene Lower School
Hazeldene Lower School is situated in a very pleasant residential area of Bedford but is close to the town’s major road systems. The school grounds are spacious and pleasant and have been further enhanced by a major planting scheme to mark the millennium. A conservation/pond area and a heated outdoor swimming pool are valuable resources which we exploit to the full.
The school has a fine academic reputation, with excellent relationships between all in the school community.
Our academic standards are complemented by the excellence of our provision for music and sport. We have a full orchestra and it is possible for the children to learn a wide range of instruments, including strings, woodwind and brass. All children are taught to read music during Year Three.
We are involved in a wide range of sporting activities, many of them outside normal school hours. These sports include football, hockey, netball, tag rugby, gymnastics and tennis. Most members of staff have recently undergone an intensive games teaching course.
Another great strength of the school is the quality of its relationships with the whole school community, including children, parents and governors. Our Ofsted Report states: "The school gives a high priority to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development." There are high expectations of social and moral behaviour and standards are excellent. The school is a very safe, orderly and caring community which encourages openness, honesty and concern for others. Staff, parents and children all work together to produce a peaceful atmosphere and pupils are courteous and considerate to others..... Behaviour throughout the school is excellent........ the pupils’ behaviour contributes to effective learning and good standards of achievement. ......... Parental involvement in the school is impressive and a well supported Parent Teacher Association helps to promote and reinforce good standards."
We welcome visits from prospective parents and are pleased to highlight the strengths of our school. Please feel free to contact us to arrange an appointment.
Governing Body
The duties and functions of governors are defined in the instrument and articles of government for schools. It is the instrument of government which sets out the composition and rules of procedure of governing bodies and the articles of government which, in broad terms, define the powers and duties of these bodies.
Normally, the full Governing Body meets once a term. The Governors also hold an annual meeting for parents when their involvement with the school is outlined. A Governors' Report is issued to all parents before this meeting. All Governors are appointed for a four year period. Parent Governors are appointed following an election in which all parents are invited to participate.
Click here for Governor Pages
Admission and Transfer
Parents of pupils living within the catchment area of the school will be offered a place for their child, as of right. If, after allocating all catchment area places and confirmation of acceptance of those places, there is insufficient space available to meet all of the requests from parents living outside of the catchment area, then the following criteria will be applied (in the rank order shown) to determine how places will be allocated.
1. Medical Grounds
2. Current sibling connections
3. Previous sibling connection
4. To children of staff both teaching and non-teaching
5. Distance
In any situation where the application of the above criteria results in more children with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the County distance criterion will be used as a "tie-breaker" to resolve the matter.
At Hazeldene we have the benefit of a Reception Unit which caters for children in their 4+ year. Children are admitted to a Reception Class in September on a part-time basis and attend on a full-time basis for some time before they reach statutory school age.
4+ children are those whose fourth birthday falls before the preceding 31st August. Children become statutory school age at the start of the term following their 5th birthday.
Children spend five years at Hazeldene - Years R (Reception), 1, 2, 3 and 4.
In North Bedfordshire, children transfer from Lower to Middle Schools at the age of 9 and from Middle to Upper Schools at the age of 13. This transfer takes place in September and the children move provided they have attained their 9th or 13th birthdays by 31st August. In the Autumn of the year preceding transfer, the Local Education Authority will write to the parents of children due to transfer, giving details of the transfer arrangements. Each child is allocated a place at a particular school, but parents may request an alternative placing if they wish.
At Hazeldene we feel that it is important to have close links with pre-school groups, local Lower Schools and receiving Middle Schools. Especially close links have been established with Hazeldene Heights Pre-School to further promote high quality pre-school experiences in our local community. Curriculum Coordinators, Senior Staff and the Heads of local Lower and Middle Schools liaise regularly and discuss many aspects of education. We do everything in our power to ensure a smooth and happy transfer to the next age phase.
Parents of prospective pupils should contact the admissions department of County Hall or collect an admission application form from any lower school.
Extra-Curricular Activities
The school also has a choir open to children in Years 3 and 4.
Extra-curricular tuition is offered, from Year 3, in the following instruments:
- flute
- clarinet
- cornet
- trumpet
- trombone
Fees are payable for these lessons, which are provided by "Musicale".
Tuition is offered , from Year 3, in the following instruments:
These lessons are free of charge when held in groups of five or more. The string lessons are provided by the Bedfordshire Music Service and the recorder lessons are provided by the school.
At Hazeldene we offer a broad range of sports opportunities including:
- Gymnastics Club
- Tennis
- Saturday Football Club (our teams compete against other local schools).
- Netball Club
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Introduction Curriculum Policy Statement (including Statement of Aims) The Curriculum
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