Our school takes up to 45 children in each year group from Langford and the surrounding area. Children are admitted to the school the term after their fourth birthday.
Early Years:
The Early Years unit at our school comprises of a nursery staffed by two adults and a reception class staffed by two adults. During the Summer term the number of children in the early years unit may require an additional teacher in the reception area.
Before children start at the school a member of staff visits them at their home to get aquainted.
Year 1/2:
Year 1 and 2 children are catered for in three classes with almost full-time teaching assistant support. No class in our school is over 30 children and all classes in Key Stage 1 and 2 are currently covered by a qualified teacher during the class teacher's planning time.
Year 3/4:
We have three classes of year 3 and 4 children at the school. These classes are supported by our excellent teaching assistants who work alongside the teachers to provide the best education possible for the children.
Inclusion Class:
Langford Lower School has been fortunate enough to work with a local special school to accommodate a class for children with special needs on the site. This provision has been widely praised and we are all very proud of the way our children respond to the issues relating to 'difference'. It is one of the prized elements of our school life. |