Welcome to Woodlands Secondary School |
"A good school with outstanding features" - Ofsted April 2007
We are a Special Needs School for 11 to 19 year olds based in Luton. The school will use its wide-ranging skills and expertise to ensure that all of its young people are an integral part of an inclusive educational partnership in Luton
Head Teacher: Sheila Read
"Woodlands is a good school with many outstanding features"
Ofsted April 2007
It is a privilege to be the Head Teacher of Woodlands Secondary School and I am delighted to introduce the Prospectus for our unique special school.
Woodlands is Luton Borough Council's secondary and further special education provision for children aged 11-19 years. Children and their learning are at the heart of all that we do. Woodlands provides for children whose learning styles can best be met in an environment designed to inspire students who have profound, severe and complex learning needs.
Our experienced and dedicated staff team are committed to working in close partnership with the parents* who entrust us to teach and prepare their children for their future lives. Together, the staff provide rigorous and stimulating intellectual, social, physical, emotional and academic learning opportunities according to the needs, interests and abilities of each child so that they make continuous and relevant progress.
We are particularly proud of the wide-ranging learning environments available to all our students at Woodlands. These reflect both National Curriculum entitlement in line with other secondary schools as well as sophisticated augmented resources that include multi-sensory facilities and our warm water therapy pool.
Students in our school will have been assessed as having profound and multiple learning disabilities, severe learning disabilities, or complex other learning difficulties. Within this range many students have autistic spectrum and other communication disorders as well as visual or hearing impairment.
Parents are supported in making informed choices about the most appropriate setting within which their child can participate, belong, and enjoy learning. We are committed to our rigorous transition program that assures seamless transfer for learners to Woodlands.
Our prospectus has been prepared in a style designed to provide answers to the many questions parents and visitors ask and also to give you a clear understanding about our educational role.
I hope you find it useful. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if there is anything at all that you would like to know or suggestions you would like to offer.
I am always delighted to receive enquiries and all visitors to Woodlands can be assured of receiving a warm welcome.
Sheila Read
*Note: we use the term parent to mean any person with parental responsibility
Full school prospectus part 1
Full school prospectus part 2
School policy documents