The Nursery forms part of Corstorphine Primary School and is incorporated into the plans and policies of the school. There are four full time staff members working with a maximum of 40 children in the morning session and 40 children in the afternoon session.
We hope you enjoy looking at our Nursery.
General Information Corstorphine Nursery Class is accommodated in a self-contained unit situated in the playground of Corstorphine Primary School. There are two sessions per day - one in the morning and one in the afternoon and at each session there is a maximum number of forty children.
At Corstorphine Nursery we believe that by working in partnership with the home and the family we are able to ensure that your child's experience with us is beneficial and positive. We work closely with the school and the community to provide a wide and varied range of educational experiences designed to enable your child to attain his/her full potential.
We place great value on the advantages of communication and encourage open dialogue between Nursery staff and parents. There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the Nursery. Regular newsletters are distributed throughout the session with details of events, outings and current Nursery news. General notices are displayed on the notice board inside the Nursery foyer.
Additional Contact Numbers
City of Edinburgh Council Education Department, Wellington Court, 10 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EG Tel: 0131 469 3000
Care Commission, Stuart House, Eskmills, Musselburgh EH21 7PB Tel: 0131 653 4100
Pre-school education of the highest quality is vital if children are to become confident and enthusiastic learners eager to start school. Achieving this aim involves working in partnership with the home and the family to support and extend the children's learning.
Planned learning experiences are based on the following key aspects of children's development and learning.