Welcome to our website. I hope the contents will give you a flavour of Leith Academy's values, aims and ethos. Our school has a long and proud history in teaching and learning dating back to 1560.
The current school was built in 1991 and as a community school we provide secondary education for 12-18 year olds, as well as adult education and training for the local community. We also provide a wide range of leisure and recreation opportunities.
Our facilities and resources are modern and of a high standard, particularly in the area of ICT, which is an essential tool in learning today. We offer a positive learning environment and our "success culture" is at the heart of everything we do. Whilst academic achievement is important, we also lay emphasis on extra-curricular activity and offer a wide-ranging programme of sport, drama and music. Facilities in these areas are also of a very high standard.
In addition to the teaching of traditional subjects, we lay great emphasis on cross-curricular issues such as health, citizenship, enterprise and the environment. All pupils are regularly engaged in activities and projects in these areas.
Close links with parents and the local community are important and regular contact is both planned and encouraged. This partnership is vital to the youngsters' social and moral development, enabling them to grow into responsible and mature adults. Positive home links also enable us to focus on the individual needs of each pupil.
I hope you enjoy reading our web pages, which are accurate at the time of writing. They will be updated as part of our contribution to the world-wide exchange of information. If you require any further information, please contact us and we will be pleased to help you!

Sandy McAulay
Headteacher, May 2004