The school was opened in 1939 and the two storey building design reflects the principles of education of that time. For example, many of the classrooms are quite small and it can be challenging to put into practice todays teaching methods of group work and practical activities. Our staff do however manage to meet these challenges and provide a stimulating classroom environment for the pupils.
There are 25 classrooms, sixteen of which are used as teaching bases for the P1-P7 classes. The remaining rooms are used for art, music, resources, an activity room and a library. There are two halls, one on each floor, and these are used for assemblies, P.E., dance, drama and for packed lunches. The nursery was extended in 1999 and provides a purpose planned pre-school environment for 3-4 year old children. The school also has a medical room which is used by the school doctor, nurse and other visiting services.
The dining room has a severy and meals are supplied from a central kitchen based in Sighthill Primary School. There is a choice of meals each day and the children are encouraged to eat a balanced meal.
The playground extends around the school and is mainly tarmacadam. Staff and children are working on improving the environment by planting flowers and shrubs. the children are also provided with playground equipment on a rotational basis. The school garden is maintained by the pupils with the help of Mrs. Bennett, P5 teacher.
Sighthill Library is near the school and the pupils are taken there regularly and are encouraged to use this valuable facility.
The school is used by various organisations and clubs in the evenings, such as badminton, keep fit and football.
Organisations interested in using the school premises outwith school hours should contact:
School Lets Section, Wellington Court, Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. EH1 3EG Tel: 0131 469 3000