Curriculum Statement
What are we trying to achieve?
The Curriculum at Binstead works within the Every Child Matters Framework and aims to enable all pupils to become:
- successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
- confident individuals who are able to lead safe and healthy lives
- responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society and achieve economic well being.
Our focus for learning is on:
- attitudes and attributes eg determined, adaptable, confident, risk-taking, enterprising
- skills eg literacy, numeracy, ICT, personal, learning and thinking skills
- knowledge and understanding eg big ideas that change and shape the world and subject specific areas such as science, history, geography, art, design technology, music, PE, RE, foreign languages
How do we organise learning?
We view the curriculum as an entire planned learning experience underpinned by our vision and aims. All staff are responsible for children’s learning, particularly in basic skills and attitudes.
Components of the curriculum include:
- lessons,
- a range of locations within and outside of school,
- the very rich local and wider environment
- events, visits and visitors,
- routines
- clubs and other extended hours activities
Learning approaches
- a range of approaches, including enquiry, active and practical learning
- inclusiveness so that differentiation is appropriate
- in tune with knowledge of how pupils learn
- building on learning from beyond school
- utilising very strong community links
- matching time to learning needs
- taking risks and working to the edge of the comfort zone.
- using a range of audiences and purposes
- giving opportunities for learner choice and personalisation
Much pupil learning is developed through overarching themes that provide relevant learning contexts. Themes are balanced over a school year so that there is a focus on three of four curriculum areas every three to four weeks
Themes and focus areas for each class are shared with parents at termly parent teacher planning meetings, with parent and pupil ideas for development of themes encouraged. Themes include areas of significance for individuals and society such as cultural diversity, healthy lifestyles, enterprise, sustainable futures, global dimension, technology and the media, creativity and critical thinking
Basic Skills discretely taught initially on a daily basis, include:-
Use of phonics in reading and spelling
Some aspects of grammar and comprehension
Some aspects of writing, including presentation
Aspects of ICT
Aspects of PE
Foundation Stage Curriculum covers:
- Communication, language and literacy
- Creative development
- Knowledge and understanding of the world
- Mathematical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Physical development
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4 in this school)
- Art and design
- Citizenship
- Design and Technology
- English
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Modern foreign language (A range of languages and cultures in Key Stage 1, French in Key Stage 2)
- Music
- Physical education
- Personal, social and health education
- Religious education
- Science