Dear Parents,
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your children to Newchurch School and briefly explain the ‘Friends Association’ to you. Being a parent/guardian you are automatically a member of the ‘Friends’ and we would welcome you to any of our meetings. Our main aim is to raise money for our children. In the past we have spent a considerable amount on equipment for the School - e.g. computer upgrading and monitors, new software, play ground equipment, social events and much more.
The main fund raising events the Friends organise annually are a Summer Fair and a raffle.
As well as buying items for the School we also fund Christmas Parties, these include a visit from Father Christmas with presents for each child. We also present the Year 4 leavers with dictionaries. During the year we hold various social events for the children, which they all enjoy.
Not all the events are fund-raising, we try to include some social aspects such as a Bonfire Night Fireworks Display and Barbecue and the Annual Quiz.
We hope that you will come along to our meetings and support the Friends, all we do is for the children's benefit. Any help is always appreciated. Minutes of the meetings can be found on the Notice Board at School. At the bottom of this letter is a list of names, which may be of help, please feel free to telephone for more information. Any help that you can give is very welcome.
We hope that you and your children will enjoy your time here.
Mrs Karen Hughes Mrs Elaine Hawkins Mrs Mandy Holloway Mrs Debbie Gill