School Ethos, Aims & Values
Developing the Whole Person: Valuing Individuals
• All pupils will be offered the best education possible, regardless of their sex, race, culture or religion.
• A wide range of educational opportunities will be provided to develop and enrich the whole person, including the academic, physical, social, cultural, aesthetic and spiritual dimensions of life.
• Every pupil will be educated in a safe and caring environment, in which the emotional and social needs of each pupil are considered.
• All members of the school community will be appreciated and valued in their own right.
Educating for Life: Valuing Learning
• All pupils will be provided with an excellent grammar school education, with a strong emphasis on high academic standards.
• As a modern grammar school, we will keep abreast of a changing world by providing selective vocational, technical and practical courses, where these best suit our pupils’ needs.
• Pupils will be encouraged to develop skills and values which will make them effective learners and inquiring, thinking individuals who are prepared to take initiatives in life.
• Pupils will be encouraged to follow, and will be provided with, a broad, balanced, coherent and relevant curriculum.
• The habits of intellectual curiosity, reading, thinking, discussing and problem-solving will be fostered to encourage lifelong learning.
Developing a Sense of Community: Valuing Others
• Moral and ethical values will be fostered in individuals and within the school to create a desirable and necessary ethos for social integration and cohesion.
• Mutual respect and respect for others’ work and property will be required.
• Pupils will be encouraged to be committed, responsible and productive members of the school, and wider, communities.
• Pupils will be prepared to their full potential to lead fulfilled and purposeful lives as citizens. |