About Jordanstown Schools
Jordanstown Schools provide a specialist education for children with an auditory and/or visual impairment aged from 4-19 years of age. We are a co-educational and non- denominational school. The pupils, who have a wide range of abilities, come from across Northern Ireland and from other parts of Ireland.
The Schools are situated on a spacious, attractive site covering some 24 acres approximately eight miles north of Belfast. Our proximity to major roads means that most of the pupils can attend on a daily basis. The others board on a weekly basis for four or five nights.
We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, suited to the needs of all pupils. This means that for those who can undertake public examinations the emphasis is placed on academic achievement. For the less academically able we design a curriculum to meet individual needs and to promote the development of basic skills.
Auditory Impaired Pupils
In order to promote the maximum acquisition of language and allow auditory impaired pupils to gain confidence in their communication skills, the teaching approach used is Total Communication. This combines the use of hearing aids speech, gesture lip- reading, finger spelling and Signed English. This means that our pupils develop their language by using signs to follow the normal word order and grammar of English.
Visually Impaired Pupils
Teaching materials for the pupils with visual impairments are produced in enlarged print, Braille tactile and taped format, depending on the pupil's needs. Pupils who are partially sighted use closed circuit televisions and TV readers to magnify print. Those who use Braille, are introduced to Braille -N Speak note takers in the secondary department.
All our teachers, classroom assistants and residential staff are trained and experienced in working with pupils who have a sensory impairment. In addition, all permanent teachers hold a specialist qualification in teaching children with either auditory or visual impairments Several have obtained both qualifications. Members of staff working with the pupils who have an auditory impairment hold sign language qualifications.
The schools are also responsible for the development and provision of two specialist outreach services for the sensory impaired - The Visually Impaired Advisory Service and The Sensory Impaired Learning Support Service.
Pupils Section
The Pupil section provides pupils with access to information and services that will help your everyday practices. 
If logged in, you can access resources such as, staff timetables and Policies. You can book rooms, use the helpdesk to log faults etc.
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