Drugs Policy The misuse of drugs is a growing problem in Northern Ireland and is a major threat to individuals, families and to the wider community. This school is committed to the safety and well-being of its pupils and therefore does not condone the misuse of drugs or the illegal possession or supply of such substances
Within this policy statement the term Drugs is understood to include tobacco, alcohol and other substances which are regarded as legal eg ‘over the counter’ medicines, prescribed drugs, volatile substances eg glues and solvents, and illegal drugs eg cannabis, LSD and Ecstasy.
1. To promote among pupils positive attitudes to their own personal health.
2. To provide pupils with opportunities to acquire an understanding of the use and misuse of drugs.
3. To help pupils to understand the risks and effects of drugs misuse on themselves and others.
4. To help pupils to make informed and responsible decisions about the use of drugs.
5. To help pupils to develop skills to withstand pressure from their peers and others.
6. To enable pupils to identify sources of guidance and support as appropriate.
The Drugs Education Programme
The Drugs Education Programme is co-ordinated by a Vice Principal and the Health Education co-ordinator in conjunction with a Drugs Education committee. It is currently delivered at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 as part of the programme of study in a range of subjects and by the involvement of appropriate outside agencies eg visiting drama groups and speakers. A drugs awareness module (based on an active learning approach) is delivered by our own staff to all pupils in Form III as part of our Personal and Social Education programme.
In Year 13, pupils will examine drugs issues as part of a Life Skills course.
The school nurse also makes a valuable contribution to Drugs Education through a Health Education programme.
Information for parents is also offered by the Banbridge Academy Association, which organises talks for parents by outside agencies eg the PSNI Drugs Squad