General Provisions:
1. It is the responsibility of the ICT Co-ordinator to ensure that all aspects of Health and Safety are communicated to staff and pupils.
2. Any issues that arise under the auspices of this policy should in the first instance be reported to the ICT Co-ordinator and / or the Principal who will respond immediately to the concerns raised.
User Comfort and Safety:
1. Workstations are designed to enable all users to reach all necessary equipment without stretching and are clear of obstruction.
2. Pupils are instructed in the correct operation of workstations, seat and monitor adjustment, log-on/off procedures, the Health and Safety checklist and rules of ICT room during first use of equipment. These instructions are reinforced during subsequent sessions.
3. All computer equipment remains on during the day. Pupils are only required to turn monitors on/off during use of ICT equipment.
4. Seats, monitors, and keyboards are fully adjustable.
5. Peripheral devices e.g. printers and scanners are located in easily accessible locations.
6. It is recommended that users should not work continuously at a computer for more than 20 minutes without some form of break/intervention by teacher.
7. Teachers and pupils are made aware of the risk of eyestrain from excessive use of VDUs; the risk of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) from over use/improper use of keyboards and the possibility of stress caused by working with unfamiliar equipment.
8. Posters and wall-displays are used to reinforce Health and Safety messages and / or computer rules. |