Denbigh is a Specialist School.
It has Technology College status and as such provides a mathematical, scientific and technological curriculum which goes beyond the National Curriculum.
The School aims to provide an education which:
- develops an education culture that promotes and enables the use of new technology in enhancing learning and processing information to empower all students to greater attainment
- contributes to the economic growth of Milton Keynes through the development of Mathematics, Science and Technology beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum, and in line with the needs of the Milton Keynes business community;
- provides a learning experience which encourages young people to feel competent and confident about entering the world of work and enthusiastic as to the opportunities for employment and life-long learning available in Milton Keynes.
Extra-Curricular activities @ Denbigh
Denbigh School runs a variety of extra curricular activities. Use the menu on the left to navigate between club home pages.
Students have the opportunity to visit the School’s residential centre at Longrigg in Cumbria, where there is a full range of outdoor pursuits.
Other extra-curricular activities, which take place at lunchtime or after school, include
- Art Club
- Dance Ejay
- Vocal Group
- Jazz Band
- Green Power Car Club
- Remote Control Club
- Robotics
- Street Dance
- Citizenship - Global Active People,
- Pantomime
- School Production
- Battle of the Bands
- Talent Show
- There are also coursework clinic sessions to assist with study across a wide range of subjects.
The School has also competed in the annual Rock Challenge, a national schools Dance competition. |