On your first day of school you are a bag of nerves – that’s natural - but there’s nothing really to worry about. We all know how it feels making new friends and trying to make a good impression on the first day. All the teachers may seem a bit nasty at first but you need to get to know them and they sort of become like your best friend. They are always there when you need them, to help and solve your problems and even your worries.
Subjects may seem hard but all the teachers make it easy and help you until you have got the idea. Other pupils are really friendly and show you where to go. Then there is all those silly worries like getting your head flushed down the toilets but don’t worry they are just all rumours. Being put in to forms will seem a bit panicky but be reassured you will always be with a friend although by the end of the year you will have so many new friends you will think it’s silly that you ever worried about which form you were in.
There are 13 different subjects including; Science, Maths, English, P.E, Geography, History, R.E, French, I.C.T, Welsh, Music, Art and Technology. You just don’t get 1 teacher to teach every lesson you get 1 teacher per lesson but there’s loads of teachers who teach the same subject. You also have a form tutor who will stay with you all the way through year 7 to year 11. Then there are the buses to worry about. There are so many you don’t know which is which, but yet again there are teachers on the buses for the first week to help you. Our first year has flown by and we’ve really enjoyed ourselves. You will too!
A Dinas Brân Student is taking her first steps into the world of fame and fortune this summer. Bethan Mascarenhas, who is also awaiting her A Level results, will be on T.V. screens in September as she stars in ‘X-Factor’.
The exact results are top-secret at the moment but at the ‘Castle Chronicle’ we managed to torture Bethan into revealing vital information! She said, ‘Its been harder than it looks on television. Simon Cowell is all you would expect. He really is TV’s Mr Nasty with him saying, and I quote, ‘You’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met!’ But the people who know me from school will back me up when I say I’ll prove him wrong and show him how much potential I have. It all started when I auditioned in Manchester in June, just after my 18th birthday. I sang ’Big Spender’ and the judges really seemed to take a shine to me, Dannii Minogue said I was quite a character. Sharon was absolutely gorgeous and just as she seems on the TV, we seemed to get on and she said she liked what I was wearing. The next step for me is ’boot camp’ which will be a really great experience but lots of hard work. My family were not so enthusiastic towards the beginning but now they’re really proud and even more excited than I am! I’ve found the Dinas Brân motto has really helped to motivate me. ‘Success through effort’ really does pay off as to follow a dream takes a lot of drive and ambition. I really enjoyed being in this year’s school play, and was delighted to take the lead role in ’ The Amazing Maurice’, I found that the hard work for that paid off so I hope I can do as well in the X Factor. I hope I bring some inspiration to all pupils, to just go for it as you never know where you’ll end up! I hope I can make Dinas Bran proud of me!
Ar hyn o bryd, mae un o ddisgyblion yr ysgol yn cymryd ei chamau cyntaf tuag at fywyd o enwogrwydd a chyfoeth.Mae Bethan Mascarenas newydd ymadael â’r ysgol ac mae hi’n disgwyl ei chanlyniadau lefel ‘A’ yn ystod yr haf.Mi fydd Bethan hefyd yn ymddangos ar y sgrin deledu yn ystod mis Medi fel seren ar y rhaglen boblogaidd yr ‘X-Factor’. Mae canlyniadau’r gystadleuaeth ‘X Factor’ yn gwbl gyfrinachol ar hyn o bryd ond mae’r ‘Castle Chronicle’ yn reit siwr y byddwn yn gweld Bethan ar y teledu fwy nac unwaith ar y rhaglen. Dywyedodd Bethan “Mae cystadlu ar ‘X-Factor’, wedi bod yn broses anodd iawn, yn llawer anoddach na beth sy’n cael ei ddangos ar y teledu.Mae Simon Cowell yn union yr un fath, mae o’n gallu bod yn gas iawn, dwi’n dyfynnu nawr ‘Ti ydy’r person mwyaf blindeurs i mi erioed ei chyfarfod’! Fe ddechreuodd popeth pan es i, i Fanceinion yn ystod mis Mehefin ychydig ar ol fy mhenblwydd yn 18oed,i gael fy nghyfweld.Fe ganais i ‘Big Spender’,ac roedd y beirniaid yn amlwg wedi mwynhau fy mherfformiad ac wedi cymryd ataf.Dywedodd Dannii Minogue fy mod i’n dipyn o gymeriad. Roedd Sharon yn gret,yn union fel mae hi ar y teledu,roedd hi’n amlwg yn hoff iawn ohonai ac yn hoffi fy ngwisg.Y cam nesa i mi ydy’r ‘Boot Camp’.Dwi’n siwr bydd ‘Boot Camp’ yn brofiad gwych ond yn waith caled iawn. Doedd fy nheulu ddim yn gefnogol iawn ar y dechrau,ond erbyn hyn mae nhw’n falch iawn ohonai a bron iawn yn fwy cyffrous na fi am yr holl beth! Dwi wedi canfod arwyddair Ysgol Dinas Brân yn help mawr i’m hybu ymlaen “llwyddiant drwy ymdrech”. Mwynheues i gymryd rhan yn nrama diweddara’r ysgol ac roeddwn i wrth fy modd pan ges i y rhan ‘Amazing Maurice’.Roedd o’n waith caled a dwi’n gobeithio bydd y gwaith caled yn help i mi ar gyfer llwyddo yn yr ‘X Factor’.Dwi’n gobeithio y bydda i’n ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer disgyblion eraill, a dwi’n gobeithio y bydd yr ysgol yn falch iawn ohonai.
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